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Posts posted by adam_jones8

  1. <p>Hi, looking to get a 4/3 camera for use along side my Canon F1N using my existing FD system lenses. What would you recommend? I'm used to using a manual SLR in full manual mode and would be using the camera mainly in this way. I'd be shooting B+W and colour equally, possibly more colour as I use my F1 for B+W film.<br>



  2. <p>Rick, I'll have to see how the shots in which the main subject was smaller than the partial metering area turn out before I decide which screen to use as standard. I used the partial metering screen today but have the spot metering screen on the way. If I carry both, I'll have the option to swap screens, time frame for the shot permitting.</p>
  3. <p>So I just got back from shooting my first roll of film (HP5+) through my newly acquired F1N, and i thoroughly enjoyed it. Compared to this camera my old A1 is a toy.<br>

    i did find it quite difficult to get the meter needle and aperture needle exactly matching all of the time, but not too far out, so i imagine things will be ok once i develop the film. Can't wait to get my spot metering screen through too for really being able to pin down the metering on my subjects when the partial metering is just too wide.</p>

  4. <p>Received my F1-N this morning, it's a beauty! And have a Spot metering screen on the way.<br>

    One thing though, there's is quite a lot of dust on the mirror, what's the best way to get this off? I've heard that the surface of the mirror is easily damaged and marked. I don't want to damage the camera. I've not had this problem on my other cameras, thanks.</p>


  5. <p>Thanks Phillip, I'm saving my pennies for a F1N with the standard eye level finder and the standard 12% metering focusing screen. And for a complete CLA too, although that's gonna cost me nearly as much as the body it self. At least I'll be sure its working as well as it should.<br>

    Thanks for all your help<br>


  6. <p>If i was to go with one of the earlier 2 f1s where would i find in the UK and what battery would i need to replace the old 1.3v mercury so that the meter will work correctly with no adjustment?<br>



  7. <p>One more query for you all. Will i still be able to use my Speedlite 199 A flash with the F1N? If not it's not an issue, i'm keeping hold of my A1 any way.<br>



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