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Posts posted by matt_jebbia1

  1. <p>Hi John,<br>

    I'm a 2008 graduate of the Hallmark Institute so thought I would respond. There are a lot of great things about the program they offer. The technology is amazing learning on both medium/large format camera systems and advanced DSLR systems. The school has gone through a lot of changes even in the two years since I attended so not sure if the cirriculum is still the same and the equipment used is the same as when I attended. I also was an older student and found my experience to be outstanding. The financial committment is the main reason I would think twice about attending such an expensive school. However, the work that I have done since graduation I couldnt have completed if I did not have the training. This is where the school is affective. They kick your rear in gear everyday! And the connections within the photo industry especially back east are amazing. <br>

    I have worked with a number of photographers since graduation some commercial and some portrait and all say that I am more than qualified and my knowledge that I bring to a shoot is top notch. As it is with every program some of the lighting techniques are a little out of date but a great foundation for you to learn and build upon. I really liked that the program was only a year, having attended college in earlier years I really didnt want to spend another 2-4 years learning a trade that quite frankly you can learn on your own if you have the time and determination. But having attended Hallmark has given me a huge leg up on my competition and the ability to drive my career in the direction I choose. <br>

    When I attended there were 4 phases all culminating in a year end portfolio. Leaving with a portfolio of work is a huge plus. If you can't show a client your work your not going to get the opportunity to get the job. But phase 5 "real life" is a real bitch. No matter how educated and how much skill you have real life is tough especially for us creative types who have a ton of competition out there. <br>

    There are a lot of great schools out there and if I had an extra 60k I would have gone to the Pasadena Art Center primarily for their commercial photography program. Which ever program you choose this profession is outrageously expensive and demanding. Hallmark prepares you pretty well for the ups and downs of the industry. But the determination to succeed has to come from you. What they will give you is some kind of direction exposing you to all that the industry has to offer. <br>

    Hope this helps good luck. </p>

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