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jeroen wesdorp

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Image Comments posted by jeroen wesdorp

  1. Hi Fabian, that's a really cool bracelet!!! I find this picture just a little less unusual than your other shots in this folder. I like the idea of shooting jewellery as if a flower in its natural habitat with lush greens and a nice contrast of natural and artifical shapes. This one is different, but well done for what you wanted to achieve. Yes, the green is a bit dull, but I feel it's more a shame that it doesn't cover all of the top left corner. The smooth deep blackness at the right hand corner is great though. Perhaps a beach babe showing this would work even better, in which case you need to zoom out ;) Cheers!


    Hi Fabian, thanks for coming back and sorry for my lateness, but to compensate: I thought of the right english word for this! Well, that is the right word in the explanation at least. These are used to fixate steel beams for a scaffolding. No, fortunately I didn't need to paint them... Warm regards, Jeroen


    Hi Christopher and Robert, thanks for your kind comments! Cheesy? Hmm not sure I follow you... things do seem unplugged to me. Well, anyway, I'm not too good on titles, so you could well be right! Cheers!


    Hi A, I haven't a clue what I'm looking at, but I like it! Strange tree, cracking ground or a lady pulling up her dress, who know... What is it?


    Hi John, good stuff! Great colours and movement. As a Dutchman I must say it's a bit Van Gogh-ish, but much nicer (not being too much into vincent, really ;) You have a wonderful portfolio and a great eye for natural beauty both scenic and abstract, so thanks for sharing your work! It's inspiring (and too much to comment on this late, but I'll be back). Good night!



    Hi Fabian, Ivana, thanks for your visit!:) I didn't want to give away the clue, but now I can't seem to find the right word in English... So here goes the roundabout description! These are actually steel fixation thingies, painted red obviously, used to attach one steel beam of a construction structure, you know the steel and wooden structures built for constructing houses etc. And then rotated 180 degrees. Does that make sense to you?


    Cheers! Jeroen

    FOUR !

    One of the simplest yet most striking images in your portfolio. Nice monochromatic pie with just enough rust topping. The shadows of the lower bolts sort of anchor this in the frame. You know, not many people would actually see this picture, let alone shoot it... I'm glad I sometimes have the pleasure and luck to see this kinds of everyday beauty :) You really have to many fine photos to comment upon, Roger, at least for tonight! But thanks for sharing. Susan Stone set me unto you and I'll be back... Good night!
  2. Wonderful shot, Roger! This looks like the kind of place where there's just too many things to see and photograph. As Dave said, great job composing this one! Would be interesting to see what a bit more space at the bottom does.

    Fade to Blue

    This where you live? Wow... must be windy though, with just one lonely tree standing... great atmosphere and colour! A shame I wasn't there to experience the sunrise though...

    Wall #2

    Great find and photo! A sad bird of paradise, or just the calm coldness just after wind and rain. Since autumn started today over here, plenty of melancholic associations coming... Thanks for sharing, your entire portfolio is amazing! Cheers, Jeroen


    Haha, what maniac installed these? Very cool! Although I might be tempted to crop the righthand two off for a cleaner composition. And as an aside, amazing how much a frame (as in your poster folder) benefits a photo. Not to detract from this photo, at all, it's great. But framing just works wonders in general. Now I'm curious about the colour version...



    What, no comments?! Or does everyone talk back at you in your regular contraptions folder? Anyway, this entire folder is fantastic! Great colour and details, cool finds (you've got the metaphorical eye, the good variety ;) and nice dynamic compositions. Glad you gave your photos a nice frame (although I might prefer it without the big lettering). I got referred to you by Susan Stone and she's right: you do manage to find the x-factor that makes these found objects much more than just the object itself. Cool! Just as I was wondering what x could be in different circumstances... So thanks for sharing your inspiring work!


    Regards, Jeroen



    Hi, is this to you anything more than just a handle? I mean, put this

    big on your desktop and you've got a truly portable screen ;) Thanks!

  3. Thanks for your kind words, Fabian, I'll see what I can do. Thanks to you too, Susan :) For both the links (I didn't know them yet, so cool!) and the compliment. Unfortunately Holland is a thoroughly planned and meticulously ordered country, and I live in the (sub)urbanized bit on top of that, so sometimes it's a challenge to find things. Asia was great in that respect though! Next time I'll take my real camera ;) Cheers!
  4. This is very cool! Fine sense of humour, great lighting and ominous shadows... Jaws freed from the bothersome necessity of being in the water now airborne and on it's way, with the family... And I thought museums of natural history a bit dusty and boring :) Thanks for sharing your wonderful portfolio! Regards, Jeroen


    Cool! Great swirling action... if you crop off the left 10-15% you might get a cleaner composition with more of the neverending going round feeling. Well, whatever, well seen and well taken!


    Ah, the thought just occurred to me that you could be attached to those people in the background. And you might have just wanted to document the party. If so, sorry for my insensitivity ;)
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