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Posts posted by joseph_gewickey

  1. <p>A beautiful Nikon Wednesday to everyone! Tons of great stuff today, I'll have to come back and spend some more time appreciating it all (when I'm not at work).</p>

    <p>My contribution today is from a local Aquarium here in Phoenix. I know- an aquarium in a place like Phoenix, Arizona! I was surprised to find it too. This was a tank of jellyfish that were very curious about my camera lens it seems. They would rush the glass when i brought it near, and when it was away, they would just list about lazily.</p>

    <p>Shot this at ISO 1600 (no light), F 5.6, 1/500 on my 55mm lens</p><div>00WuJn-262047584.JPG.a1c51ea01b0348b9d71231836b0171d9.JPG</div>

  2. <p>Got out to Zion National Park in Springdale, Utah this weekend- a chance to escape the 110 degree heat here in the US. Enjoyed around 60 degrees in the canyon, which is where this week's image was taken. This was the early part of a 14 mile long hike called the Narrows, which is a river hike upstream (and downstream on the way back, obviously). Absolutely stunning place!</p>

    <p>Taken with my Nikon D3000 on a tripod, at ISO 100, using my 18-55mm Nikkor lens with a polarizer; f/16 at 1/20th. HDR processed in Photomatix.</p><div>00Wose-257873584.thumb.jpg.dd837f3bae91300eaa994c777c8616fe.jpg</div>

  3. <p>with the weather hitting 110 most days now, the farmer's market vendors are bringing out the tents- which makes for a huge, free diffuser for the sunlight!</p>

    <p>this week, I have something beautiful and delicious- and the color was just too much to ignore! Happy Wednesday everyone-</p><div>00WgQY-252363884.JPG.7d64f6c47db318f012e40b9282b54a6e.JPG</div>

  4. <p>Some really great stuff this week!!</p>

    <p>A few favorites:<br>

    Herb MArtin - love the story this image tells! :)<br>

    Petter Heritage - stunning image! I love the colors and the shadows in this<br>

    Jana Hughes - looks like painting with light at its best! I love this<br>

    Obviously everyone's work is amazing this week.</p>

    <p>My contribution this time around is from a short hike I took up South Mountain here in Phoenix. It was a hot day out (almost hit 100) so I idn't take too long- lugging 20 lbs of camera gear up a mountain in 100 degree heat is a great workout but not the most fun I ever had :)<br>

    Stopped to admire this little bush- creosote, I think. Smells like rain in the AZ desert, no matter what the weather!</p><div>00WUpy-245381684.JPG.3bf2cd82e99659bedf2a41b82be3c4e8.JPG</div>

  5. <p>A ton of beautiful stuff today!</p>

    <p>My contribution today is from First Friday- a local event here in Phoenix. On the first Friday of each month, the artists, musicians, crafters, vendors, artisans- they come out of the woodwork and into the streets.<br /> <br /> Live music, painting, performance art. Amazing street-cart vendors selling everything from hand-rolled tamales to Chicago Footlongs. Glow stick ravers. Greasy indie-hippie types with acoustic guitars. Goth kids with spikes and emo hair. Scene girls with their requisite sleeve tattoos and lip rings. And lots of photographers, cameras and gear slung about our necks, squinting to fit everything into our viewfinders. We all belong here.<br /> <br /> It’s a visual cacophony, a beautiful co-mingling of every genre, every niche, clique and group. Everyone comes out. Everything looks, smells, tastes, and feels amazing. It’s soulful, and it reminds me that there is still something alive in this place. Houses become art galleries, strangers become brothers, and we all come together in the same spirit, for the same purpose- to share our arts, and our passion for creativity and expression.<br /> <br /> And it’s beautiful.</p><div>00WRwh-243697684.JPG.0b85194897451f39b984f8c30efb9819.JPG</div>

  6. <p>Great stuff so far everybody! I'll have to come back later today to really appreciate everything; no time now.<br>

    Here's mine for the day: I took a trip down to the train tracks here in Phoenix last week, and saw some fuel tanks that were taking a short break. Might've broken a few rules getting so close to them, but there was a certain beauty to the lines the tracks were making down the line to infinity, and the morning sun was too perfect that day to let go.<br>

    Shot with Nikon D3000, 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 DX Lens, at ISO 100, F8, 1/250.</p><div>00WOhw-241833584.jpg.42bf37aec683eb7430319cb40a53f942.jpg</div>

  7. <p>Thanks everyone for the kind comments! I'm not big into food photography, still kinda learning my way around it. Having lots of fun with it though!</p>

    <p>A few of my favorites-<br>

    Jeff Lipsman - love the little bee, great composition<br>

    Chris Court - what software do you use to layer these images?<br>

    Shun Cheung - absolutely stunning!<br>

    Alpo Syvänen - i love this picture, it says so much<br>

    Apurva Madia - is that a Nissan Versa?<br>

    Raaj Kovinthan - love the lighting<br>

    Lawrence Ho - Amazing color<br>

    Ray Yeager - I love the look on her face- so emotive, these kitties!<br>

    Brian Winshell - absolutely stunning detail- is this HDR?<br>

    Aguinaldo de Paula - I love this; the lines and arches all come together so magically<br>

    Eric James - Brave man, throwing your camera... great image though!</p>

    <p>@roberta davidson - thanks so much! (dinner was delicious afterward)<br>

    @richard karash - Tomatoes (though they do look apple-esque in retrospect. :)</p>

  8. <p>tons of amazing stuff from everyone today! I'll be back later so I can really enjoy them all when there's time. For now, one shot from my latest endeavor, trying my hand at a little pre-dinner food photography-</p><div>00WI8m-238207584.jpg.fd8b3627478abd88f479960aefc92b08.jpg</div>
  9. <p>Hey all- amazing work this time around! A lot of inspiration, no time to point out my biggest favorites so far.</p>

    <p>Thought I'd throw this one in- same shoot as last week, a neighbor was reworking his engine from the ground up, and something about the lighting and his intensity caught my eye. Low light, used a high ISO (hence the noise) but somehow it added to the grit of the scene.</p>

    <p>D3000, ISO 1000, f4 at 1/125</p><div>00WEnG-236545584.jpg.344001c08f6dab23429765e738171713.jpg</div>

  10. <p>As always, amazing work from everyone!<br>

    A few favs - Oskar, Richard Lanthier, Georg S</p>

    <p>Found this little fella in an apartment courtyard, it looked just amazing in the bright Arizona Springtime sun</p>

    <p>Nikon D3000, ISO 200, 125, f/5.6</p><div>00W8D0-233453884.jpg.caa5c97c5d85be018b9d16b1efeae78e.jpg</div>

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