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Posts posted by amien_burteau

  1. <p>I shoots lots of medium format film, with great lenses, but :<br>

    in terms of true global sharpness , even my 10MP DX camera does a better job. Fact is , medium format is slow, mirrors on certain cameras (p67) can add lots of blur if not handeld well or locked up. & finally, even if shot on medium format rangefinder or TLR cameras, grain & gelatin structure is always uneven. This is the conclusion I have, after having scanned more than 2000 rolls of 120.<br>

    Global sharpness is way better on Digital : almost grainless at 100 iso, can be blown up on huge sizes as well.<br>

    That said, true resolution & dynamic range is way better on medium format- large format Film. But technology evolves fast & new sensor technology will surely do a better job in 5-10 years.<br>

    I still enjoy my darkroom sometimes. Fiber paper & chemical development is unbeaten.</p>

  2. <p>exactly what I thought... So what to do :<br>

    1: a Limited license with pricing for x prints / image & no more ? (difficult to know how many prints really done & sold.) In this case how much would you sell 1 picture (fine art) ?<br>

    2: a Limited license for limited period (ex : 2 years) (they can print as many as they want ?) : In this case how much would you sell 1 picture (fine art) ?<br>

    thanks a lot for your help Bob.</p>

  3. <p>Hi, I am a fine art photographer in business since 7 years in Quebec.<br>

    I was recently approached by a new store wanting to do business with me for massproduction prints on canvas. They'll need the digital Files (from film & digital) to print them at a high flow & are not clear about the terms of agreement. They told me that they will sell 1 kind of product (on canvas) trough a few important stores, at different sizes & maybe for different purposes (not only for tourism gifts).<br>

    The license was an Exclusive rights for an non-determined period & they may sell the license to another party (!) In the license, they propose me a small % off benefits (7%) But, orally, the client told me we would share 50/50 the profits (- prod costs) & I am totally not sur about how many prints they will produce, sell, or declare to me as sales.<br>

    In different terms, this a situation were they are willing to make profit as a distrubutor trough 3rd party clients.<br>

    What to do ?<br>

    I am willing to write a 1 Time use non-exclusive rights license for a certain amount of prints & size only.<br>

    I am thinking of asking 50% of benefits (minus production costs) for a small amount of prints (500)<br>

    & each time they would renew a contract for more prints, lower the % regarding of the quantity of prints.<br>

    Does this seem a good way to start ?<br>

    I would certainly add a limited period of printing time frame, but it will be hard to follow the real quantity of distribution, as they will own physically my digital prints : even if the license ends, how to know if the prints sold are the one from the 1st edition ? <br>

    thanks to all professional answers.<br>

    Amien from Quebec-city</p>

  4. <p>Thanks a lot for your answer,<br>

    I will check all the links you gave me & contacted my lawyer as well.<br>

    I red the contract the client gave to me, they want an exclusive right contract. I understand on 1 side that they dont want another seller to sell the same products as theirs & compete,<br>

    but the contract is too obvious & doesnt stipulate many details about artist's rights, more about their total exclusivity on the artist's photos. The purcentage (benefit) to the autor is not expressed in clear numbers.<br>

    I guess I will need my lawyer to create an (semi?)exclusive rights contract for them & bring them to accept my conditions.<br>

    I understood that the best way was also to make a 1 time right contract with direct money on the table witch sounds a much better deal to me than wait & see what happens.<br>

    The only problem with this is that the client doesnt seem to agree with those terms when reading the very selfish conditions of the contract they gave me.</p>

  5. <p>Hi,<br>

    I am a fine art photographer & sell mostly limited editions prints on canvas through people & galleries.I was recently contacted by a new store who wants to sell different tourist prints trough different stores, they also look for clients as restaurants or companies wanting to decorate their walls.<br>

    Beeing used to do my own prints & having an eye on every sale, I don't know whitch kind of agreements to write & which conditions - terms to use.<br>

    -Should I use a 1 time right for each picture sold with print quantity ?<br>

    -Determine the size & the finishing (canvas-books) ?<br>

    -Adding to that, how can I follow how many prints they will make & sell ?<br>

    Knowing that the client needs my full sized Jpeg files, how can I know that they will not keep them, make more prints than agreed, or use them for any other external contract without my permission ?<br>

    Finally, which pricing should I Quote :<br>

    -a % of future sales ? (how many % ?) : that's what they proposed me.<br>

    -a pre-paid cheque for each image + % on sales ?<br>

    -only a prepaid cheque for 1 time right printing ?<br>

    Even if the client looks sincere, I dont feel totally confortable with this situation.He talked a lot about great things that could happen, & mixed too many things together. (massproduction prints - made to mesure prints - wall decoration prints).<br>

    Thanks a lot for your help. <br>

    Amien from Quebec-city ! </p>

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