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Image Comments posted by joel_symonds

    Ball Of Fire

    A picture of a great big sun, the shades of pink and purple are lovely, but the huge expanse of black foliage and the (?) bus-stop do nothing here, try recropping to a near-abstract and see what else you can come up with. 4/4
  1. Feels like you're relying on the unusual situation to carry your photography, an original concept, but only because we tend not to see CBRN drills in everyday life, once past that, the photo's very dull. 2/4
  2. Longer exposure would have made these guys really pop without burning the sky in too much. I'm a little torn with the composition, would have liked to see that big, rangy, intereating fellow on the left shot on his own without the distracting and fairly boring one on the right butting in!


    Lovely contrast between the silhouette and the soft shades and colours of the background. Maybe crop on the left hand side to get rid of that distracting branch that's jutting in?

    oratoire st joseph

    Fairly dull landscape in bad light with no real content, next time, try zooming in to give us less blank sky and foreground. Pick something to take a picture of and take it, rather than pointing the camera at a vista and clicking, eyes and minds can appreciate a view like this, a lens needs a little more direction.

    "Suiside perfect"


    Fantastic, it can be so tempting in these shots to include a part of the ground, as if to say "Look! Look how high they were!"

    Removing it altogether just makes that point even more potent, a wonderful shot.


    Very nice! Lovnig the texture and altenating lines and shapes. Bubbles are a lovely touch and the soft focus only adds. Stunning!
  3. Held my interest firstly as I tried to decipher it, then as I appreciated the presentation, then as I understood, then as I marvelled. The stick of inscence in the foreground goes right through the left hand side of the frame, which I find a little irritating, but the ambiguous scale and framing makes this a really interesting shot. Well done!
  4. Nice eye for form, the aesthetics of the curves and the tones of the stone v sky/clouds are delightful. The row of turrets and the similarly spaced and shaped arrow holes add to it. Perhaps a little lightening in PS would give it more pop? Also, the large swathe of blank stone at the bottom isn't doing anything, perhaps crop it 'widescreen'?


  5. The composition of half subject, half sky makes a feature of neither, a pity, because the exposure on the rocks is lovely. Position of the two people seems awkward, they look like they should have some sort of relationship with each other, but the perspective makes it look like the man has a tiny woman growing out of his shoulder and staring at his hairline!


    Delightful strength of form and shade here, DOF is bang on, lighting exquisite. Large dark area to right distracting though, I'd crop just to the left of those bright yellow verticals.
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