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Posts posted by klaus_welch

  1. <p>I was rummaging through a pawn shop here a few days ago and came across a large collection of polarizers. I found a few 49mm that would fit onto my lenses nicely and they looked to be in great shape. I picked up a Ambico R-8945, but then realized later that I did not check to see whether or not this was a Circular or Linear polarizer. I've got a Sony a230 and on my 50mm/1.7 Minolta lens the AF seems to be working fine, as for metering I can't tell since im too much a novice to tell the difference just yet. There is very little information on this filter since Ambico does not exist anymore. Which seems to be a shame because the few filters i've come across used, the Ambico ones fell the best to me. Any insight into whether this is a circular or linear? Thanks.</p>
  2. <p>I've been using www.Michaelthementor.com</p>

    <p>Its more of a personal video/article and forum based learning tool, but he does some neat little "Homework" assignments for each area of concern with photography. He goes from Beginner to Expert, you have to pay for the Expert bit, but the three 'levels" before that are free :). I'd imagine this a good spot to get basics down and some lighting concepts, but I'm not sure of how comprehensive it is. I'd start there and then look for more advanced stuff as you get further into it.</p>

  3. <p>I figured I'd stop in to say hi as I'm new here. I've been interested in Photography for a number of years but never took the plunge to buy my own DSLR. When I was a bit younger I fiddled with my parents Nikon D70 with a few lenses. Now I find myself holding a starter DSLR, the Sony A230 that I picked up while on a business trip to the "Lower 48". <br>

    Thanks John from Talls Cameras in Seattle(in case your in here) for being so helpful and answering all of my questions to the point that I felt confident enough to jump on the purchase. Hope to get some great insight from everyone here, i've already taken a look at some of the work posted here and I've got a lot of catching up to do :).</p>

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