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Image Comments posted by jonathan_wang



    I like the enormous contrast in this photo. Interestingly, the figure

    by the fence was also taking a photograph of the sunset. There's also

    a seagull - it took me a minute to stop trying to remove the 'dust'

    off the slide and realize what it was.

  1. I think your photo would have been more effective if you moved the nearest bench out of the middle towards the left, so that the lead-in line stretches completely across the frame. Fortunately, this can be easily changed through cropping.


    Also, I think it could have been stronger if you used a wider lens and moved closer to the bench to exaggerate the perspective between the foreground and background.


    Otherwise, not bad. I like the way the light falls in the shadows behind the benches.

  2. I shot about 20 frames of this scene, bracketing like mad and

    frequently adjusting exposure as the sun slipped below the mountains.


    Oddly, my meter was set to ISO 50 at the time. I was extremely

    worried about overexposure (especially with slide film) but was

    surprisingly pleased by the results. Further experience with Provia

    100F has led me to rate it at around ISO 80 - whenever I shoot with

    it at ISO 100 everything feels a little dark.

  3. How much is the photo you posted enlarged from the original? It looks like there's some serious camera shake or pixellation. I'm guessing that since it was early, your camera may have selected a shutter speed too slow to handhold. You'll want to use a tripod next time.


    Besides that, I really like the colors you've captured, as well as the silhouetted trees with the slight rimlight.

    NYC Sunset

    This is a little nitpicky, and it might be my monitor, but it doesn't look to be quite tack sharp to me. I'd also rotate the image slightly in Photoshop... it looks to be tilted counterclockwise a bit.



    Hah - I almost fell off my chair laughing when I read that.


    What was particularly interesting about this shot though was that I cropped so tightly. I was in the second row and was wielding a 400/2.8 - it turned out a lot better than I expected.

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