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Posts posted by inna_perts

  1. <p>Hi all!<br /> I'm not a photographer but I like beautiful photos and art of human body. Once I tried to search a beautiful pic of nude man in Google and it was really hard. So I got a crazy idea to create a website for women about male body beauty (not porn! naked body only).<br /> All I found in the web are several short blogs about it and some gay websites. The first difficulty I got was a copyright question. Most of the photos I would like to add to my webpage I found on the blogs without any reference to the author. As my project is not commercial I don't have resources to pay for copyright-free pics in the photo banks.</p>

    <p>So I wanted to ask the help of photographers in searching the photos of interest. I will be helpful if you can donate me your own photos (I promise to put a link and reference to the author and not to use them anywhere else except my page)<br /> If you can give me any advice about my project I will be very happy.<br /> Thank you!<br /> Inna<br>

    PS my e-mail for your answers info@malebeauty.org</p>

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