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Posts posted by berk_gurhan

  1. <p>Hello,<br>

    I've shot, washed, printed and scanned in my photos onto the PC but I'm having one niggling but truly annoying problem with Light Room 3 that I can't seem to solve. I do the necessary touch ups (minor adjustments to the presets mainly), however when I export my photos they turn out no different then the original. Essentially, none of the changes can be taken out of the program. What am I missing here? Has anyone experienced this before.<br>

    Thank you very much from now</p>

  2. <p>Great advice. I will proceed with the x700s meter as you guys said. I must admit it has been stimulating to try and judge the light conditions subjectively. Having the meter in the camera will feel like a revolution at this point :P If i see a good deal on ebay though, I may take it, in which case i'd refer to the forum again before pulling the trigger.<br>

    Thanks guys.</p>

  3. <p>I am currently shooting with an old Canon EX (Fortepan 100 B&W) and I am literally coming up with the exposures in my head off of some base readings from a friends meter that I was able to observe and record previously. Clearly I need to remedy this situation asap (although the it has been quite exciting when I get the exposures right).<br>

    However, I am going to own a Minolta X-700 in about two weeks time. Therefore, I was wondering how good the light meters on the Minolta x-700's are and whether I would need a separate light meter for my purposes as a beginner photography (please excuse if i come off ignorant on the subject, as I am yet to understand the difference between the hand held meter and the ones that come on the cameras, I would assume the hand held ones are more accurate?).I have read up on the x700s built in light meter and it seems to be quite adequate, for my purposes at least.<br>

    <br /> At the moment my photography budget would not allow me to buy a new sekonic or gossen, therefore, I would have to settle with something older off of ebay (quite abit older in fact!) which I am not too comfortable with . My intention would be to wait until I develop myself as a photographer (using the X700) and have the extra funds laying around to buy a proper new light meter from the aforementioned brands. <br /> Any advice for my situation?<br /> Thanks from now</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>Hello,</p>

    <p>A new member to this community and to photography in general, its been about a month. I'm thoroughly enjoying the experience so far. I've always had an interest but only recently have had the free time to get around to it. I started shooting with a vintage Canon EX on Fortepan 100 B&W. I've had the chance to fill and process a couple of rolls with the help of a good friend of mine who is completing his studies in photography here in Montreal. So I guess I've had a pretty good intro to the world of photography so far.<br>

    Seems to be a great community here, looking forward to being an active member.</p>

    <p>All the best,<br>


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