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Image Comments posted by dommorris


    Stunning rebuttal of the central fallacy of Platonic philosophy. Like the lotus she is rooted in the mud and while maintaining her connection with the pagan phallus she still aspires to divinity. I love the subtlety and significance of the dragonfly as crucifix!


    The model is beuatifully posed and lit, so well, in fact, that she needs no other compositional elements. I'd like to see her in portrait mode, with the mildly distracting floral arrangement completely excluded.
  1. I'd like this a whole lot more with her face better lit. As is, perilously close to one of those dreadful torso only things, the reduction of a human being to faceless form; woman objectified and thoroughly dehumanized. That cliché has had its day. Soon may it be forgotten.
  2. A savage and witty comment on contemporary corporate culture? Hold the line on frivolous expenditures like desks and chairs. If they can afford to buy clothes, we're paying them too much. What other savings can we squeeze out of her? 

    i see a dash of Dali, a smidgen of Dickens, and a dollop or 2 of Kafka -- the absurd horrors of The Trial and Metamorphosis.

    The concept is brilliant and its realization perfect. Well done!

    Nude ...

    Love the positioning of the hand, the way the pearls are draped, the earring, her pensive expression. Very beautiful. Sorely tempted to sort out the blemish on her nostril, but in a quirky way way, it works!

    Nude ...

    Love the positioning of the hand, the way the pearls are draped, the earring, her pensive expression. Very beautiful. Sorely tempted to sort out the blemish on her nostril, but in a quirky way way, it works!


    I like this a lot. The face and clenched fist, the dark suit and tie all match the mood of the lighting perfectly. As a portrait, not flattering, but it tells us a lot about the subject. The pocket square is unnecessary and distracting. Were it taken out, I'd rate it 7; as is, 6.
  3. I love art that conveys meanings that are difficult, if not impossible to articulate. This is such a work. I see birth/rebirth, overcoming oppression and repression, growth from darkness to light (and if that screws up the histogram, then too bad for the histogram!) and from confusion to clarity. I'm struck by the sharp focus of her nipples, heart level, while her face, mind level, is mostly obscured. This is a visual 'road to Emaus' the gospel story that teaches us that Enlightenment comes from heart, hearth, and home while eluding the arid theologies of priests, scientists and others who dismiss what does not fit their too literal algorithms as 'too vague.' They know not what they miss: the depth, the elegance, the beauty of myth, magic and metaphor. This photo is wonderful. Thank you, Miriana, for sharing it with us.

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