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Image Comments posted by darragh


    oooh what a beautiful image, perfect composition and i'd swear it was shot in black & white! It gives a great feeling of mystery with everything disappearing into the mist. hmmm, i wonder did the word "mystery" and "mist" come from the same roots ....

    Rif mountains

    I think it's perfect. The large dark border is all important for me cause it tells me so much about how and where the photo was taken, and the atmosphere in the air. The turned backs of the women add to that element of silent street photograhy, a private walk, a conversation, caught in a moment. Well done. Where was it taken?


    Magical photograph, beautifully lighting. I love the backdrop of the plate, the colours and the curves work really well with the arc of sparkling water in the foreground. I also see figures in the water but ambiguous enough to leave lots more to the imagination. Well done.
  1. So Scott Eaton, you have some very similar pictures to the photo above? So what? That doesn't mean it's not original. If we could only take original photos in the true meaning, i.e. nobody else had ever either thought or attempted or succeeded at a photo of that subject, well then we all might aswell give up this photography lark now, hadn't we?


    I think it's a brilliant photo and it's highly original. For those of us who don't frequent air shows, nor know much about them, this picture is perceptually very striking and educational. Thank you.

  2. Kyle, I agree completely with you that the more effort you put into a picture, the better the result will be. However, I suppose there are two types of images. Those that are pre-concieved in a certain scene and you wait for the elements to come together as desired. And there are those that are not pre-concieved but represent beautiful, unique images in their own right. For action photography or people street photography, a lot of it is just being there at the right time and having that extra split second to get the camera up to take the shot. You have to be able to predict the shot, but it's maybe a matter of seconds rather than hours. Maybe I'm just a lazy photography but I like to take pictures of things that impress on me, rather than vice versa. Just a different style.
  3. Nick, regarding your suggestion that one could achieve this type of photo by shooting off a roll with a wideangle lens. Doesn't that method apply to any photography, not just sports stuff? Nature photography, street photography for example? While it may be ideal to pre-conceive how the photo will turn out, that ultimately depends on the players producing the right visual formation for the photographer! So there has to be a certain element of chance, take a few photos, the general feel is great, it's an action situation, later on look at the prints and choose the one that appeals most. I've had a lot of success taking street photos like that, you just see a scene that looks good and you shoot it and don't worry so much about the exact frame of the image or people, just take the picture and you'd be surprised how many photos come out looking good.
  4. Beautiful photo, really love those tunnelling effects. I actually like the person, I think it adds some perspective and context to the picture. If it wasn't there, I'd probably have a problem figuring out that it was an escalator!

    dead tree

    BTW, I love the photo, especially the curves made out by the fence, mirrored in the cloud formations. Maybe the tree adds some competition, some distraction, but then I personally like that. I find myself jumping between the two, of course which are two states of the same stuff: wood. Well done.

    dead tree

    I don't quite agree with the point concerning themes. I would argue that if you find yourself questioning the theme then that's a sign that you're looking at a potentially very powerful image that can influence different people in different ways. It's all about what *you* see in the photo, not necessarily what the photographer saw on the day. If the theme is to obvious then there is no mystery involved, nothing to think about, it becomes just a picture with a label.
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