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Image Comments posted by onevision1

    Bryce Canyon


    The image being critiqued is of the Bryce Canyon triptych itself, not the

    couch. The couch is included just to present the overall scale of the

    triptych itself. It is 3 - 36" square panels.


    As always, your input is valued and appreciated


    There's definitely a lot going on in this image. Great colours and exposure control. I'm not a digital guy, but I take it this is an HDR creation? The EV range is quite broad in this shot
  1. wow - I really like this one. At first glance I thought it was an organizer. Only when did I see the caption did I sit back and say hey! Colours are great and there's plenty to let your eye wander over. A great composition to shoot in a larger format!

    the slicer


    I like it, but then again I am a sucker for all the details and repetitive patterns


    The x of the wires(?) crossing in the lower right as well as a pipe(?) directly above it, break up the pattern though, so I think I may have explored perhaps a tighter crop so as not to include those distractions.



    Treated in a sepia tone you certainly can't tell that this looks like a gherkin as the locals refer to it...


    An interesting building looking somewhat surreal amongst the more traditional Georgian architecture

  2. A great find!

    The church has a lot of character and against that sky it adds a lot of drama.


    Personally I don't think the road adds a lot to the image. My eye keeps following the lines out of the image to the left, when I'd really rather explore about the building more.

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