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Posts posted by b_esc

  1. <p>Thanks for the imput. I do mostly portrait work with the occasional event.</p>

    <p>I know as consumer I find it annoying when I cant find prices but I have herd from many other photograohers that posting prices on your website can hurt your business.</p>

  2. <p>I have herd that FaceBook, Twitter and other social media sites are a great way of generating business. How would one go about using Social Media in an effective way to gain business and effectivley market their company? Is it as simple as putting a fan page together and posting pictures or is there more to it?</p>
  3. <p>I googled my name in various spellings (the was people mistakenly spell it sometimes) and the correct spelling and the only things that came up were the photo contests that I have entered in the past. My last name isnt impossible, its spanish and not a common spanish last name but it sounds exactly how its spelled. Like you said, I was thinking of using my intials in the website instead of my full name.</p>

    <p>Thanks everyone for the response they have been very helpful!</p>

  4. <p>I have recently decided to re-name my company. I have had it for almost a year and recently found several other companies with the same and similar names. I know the best bet to insure an original name is to use my own. My last name is difficult for some people to say/spell and my first and last name dont really go well together, is this something I should consider when naming my business or does this matter?</p>
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