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Posts posted by fosterphoto

  1. <p>First, Richard I am sorry for your experience. Hopefully others will learn from it and some good can come out of the situation.</p>

    <p>Second, since the majority of people here are photographers and not brides, it is pointless to talk about how to select a wedding photographer. Save those posts for the Knot. [btw: Richard, this would make a great article for the Knot.]</p>

    <p>Third, To all the photographers out there are reading these posts, this experience should send shivers down your spine - because that could be/will be you. The question is not <strong>will </strong> you have an equipment failure, the question is <strong>when </strong> will it fail. Someday your equipment will fail. It may be your camera, your lens, your flash card, your computer or your raid box. And on that day, you'll wish you had something to "fall back on"</p>

    <p>The Professional Photographers of America includes an indemnification trust in its dues. There are specialized lawyers on retainer that work with you and client to achieve an acceptable solution. And if the service failure is covered under the policy (most are, but your second shooter is not) then the trust pays for refunds and any damages. PPA dues are not cheap, but they are cheaper than stress, anxiety and monetary loss caused by an angry client. <br>

    For more information: <a href="http://www.ppa.com">ppa.com</a></p>

    <p>Larry J Foster<br>

    Certified by the Professional Photographers of America<br>

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