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Posts posted by helen_sturgeon

  1. Dear All


    I am quite seriously considering giving up my homelife and career in

    London to pursue a longstanding dream of mine to forge a living

    (however small!) from wildlife/nature photography.


    I have been on a few mini photography courses in the UK but lack the

    confidence to go it alone without further tuition etc. As a result I

    have been researching colleges etc that offer structured courses.

    Very few colleges, if any, seem to have much of a bias towards

    wildlife/nature photography. One that has stood out of the rest is

    the Colorado Mountain College. Which in part, due to its ideal

    location in the rockies, seems to offer some tuition during its 2

    year course on this subject and doubtless many opportunities outside

    the classroom. Has anyone come across this college? Alternatively,

    can anyone recomend a suitable establishment other than the Colorado

    Mountain College that I should check out?


    I would be so grateful for any views/comments on this matter. I am

    feeling both excited and nervous about my future. I realise the

    investment and risks I take now are huge and therefore am eager at

    this stage to make informed decisions.


    With thanks



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