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Image Comments posted by wacovoice

    Alek scores


    Nice shot.

    Wish his legs could have been clearer but I know it's hard enough to shoot sports at night much less with that kinda field.

    But nice shot anyway.

    see full size


    Thanks Tom.

    Sorry about the angle, There was a professional photographer at the game so I was trying to stay out of his way, so most of my shots will be a little off or at a angle.

    He was on the sideline, so I was mostly behind a fence that was not that far away from the sidelines, so I was shooting over or around people or just from odd angles where I knew I wouldn't be in his way.

    Thank you for your comments and the welcome, I will work on my cropping skills, I still have allot to learn but with people like you and the rest on here as well as the photographer that was at the game (gave me great tips) it makes it so much easier.

    Thank you. 



    People said I could not take good football pictures with this lense, but I

    couldn't afford a better one so thought I would try and see.

    These shots was taken in the evening at 7:30pm from behind the fence

    line, not sidelines but not that far away.

    The hue is a little off but other than that would like to know what you



    Thank you:

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