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Posts posted by joshcampbell

  1. <p>As I am getting more involved in my photography, specifically, fashion/figure/fine art, I am finding myself more in need of a lens upgrade.<br>

    I shoot with a run-of-the-mill Canon Xsi and use a 50mm prime as my go-to lens.<br>

    Here is what I am looking at for purchase<br>

    Canon EF 24-105 f/4L<br>

    Canon EF 24-70 f/2.8L<br>

    I love the depth of field on my 50 f/1.4 so I am leaning toward the 24-70. I have used the 24-105 before with good results.<br>

    Does anybody have any experience or feed back (good & bad) about these lenses?</p>

  2. <p>Gary, far from offensive, that is very sound advice and much appreciated.<br>

    Most of the requests I have are from friends and family who are familiar with my skill level and are aware that I have not done this before. I have actually encouraged them to try me out first with engagement shots, etc. to ensure that my style is what they are looking for.<br>

    It is my intention to get as many practice runs in as possible with groups and lighting before the wedding in 2012. However, I will need to charge as I will be taking time off of work, as will my 2nd and the equipment rental itself will cost money. I am definately not attempting to gouge or charge a bundle which is why I had asked the initial question, I would be happy to at least get my costs covered and the processing of the images with any assistance I may need from other sources.<br>

    Thanks so much for the words, this is definately the kind of information I am looking for.<br>


  3. <p>Hello,<br>

    I have had several people ask me if I could shoot events for them however, I have no idea what kind of rate I should charge.<br>

    I am supposed to shoot a wedding in 2012, it will be a fairly small wedding consisting of about 40-50 people (guests included) and I would like some advice as to how much I should charge as a beginning photographer. I have shot travel and some models however, I have never done and event shoot.<br>

    Any help would be great!<br>



  4. <p>I would have to agree with Esau in that male nudes are under represented in photography forums and that when they are shown it tends to be categorized under erotic or homoerotic art in the 'real' world.<br>

    I am an amatuer photographer but I have been an artist and art admirer my entire life. And one of the things I have noticed in the U.S. is the tendency to shun male nudes. Look at the controversy that was created by some of the male nude photographers (i.e. Maplethorpe who is arguably a bit extreme).<br>

    I mean look at the controversy that this post has created, just by saying that the non-appreciation of male nudes is homophobic. Why are people so afraid to appreciate the male form? I'm sure I too will be crucified for posting my opinion on here as I am not a true "artist" because I am still learning a new trade and therefore my opinion will probably be dissected and degraded.<br>

    I think Joel B. hit it on the head. People have not learned to look at the photo for the artistic interpretation but for the content of the photograph. Such as one poster said about his train photo... Yes it does mean they are biased against trains to answer your question. They saw a train, which was not what they were interested in, and passed your photo up. Not because the photo was bad or your lighting was wrong but because they don't like train pictures. I have been studying so many photos on this site and have not commented on many at all because I am looking at the lighting techniques the way the light plays off the subject the layout of the photo, etc. And until I know what I'm looking for as an artist I will not comment as such. But, I have also wanted to study the male form along with the female form and have found the ration is 1000:1 in favor of female nudes on this website... I'm ok with that though, I now have a new mission to bring male nudes into the galleries on this site.<br>

    Let the crucifixion begin! :)</p>

  5. <p>I am starting out and have a budget of $700 to spend on lighting. I really like the edgier look of fashion photography and would like to work on recreating that to start. Are there any suggestions on how I can accomplish this on a budget?<br>

    What kind of flash, softbox or kits will I need to get. I am currently operating a Canon XSi (which is not the best but decent enough to start).<br>

    Attached are some links for the style that I like.<br>

    <a href="http://www.fulleredgeportraits.com/data/pages/082708183253_1family033.jpg">http://www.fulleredgeportraits.com/data/pages/082708183253_1family033.jpg</a><br>

    <a href="http://marcopalmero.com/files/fashion-photoshoot.jpg">http://marcopalmero.com/files/fashion-photoshoot.jpg</a><br>

    Please help!<br>

    Thank you</p>

  6. <p>Thanks for the responses!<br>


    I have a budget of about $800-1000.<br>

    The current lenses are few but I have the Canon XSi kit lens, a precision design .25X Fisheye which also functions as a decent wide-angle, and a macro lens set.<br>


    Thank you I am looking into reasonably priced monolights. <br>


    The situation is this: I have a client that does jewelry so I will be shooting some of the pieces for her. However, she will be expanding into body jewelry as well and has requested that I shoot the models with the pieces. I love the look of edgy fashion photography and would like to go that route with these shots. Which lens would you suggest? I may be able to find one second hand or even rent if necessary.<br>

    I also have friends that have already requested head shots and portraits.<br>

    I will definately take a look at the book you suggested thank you.<br>


    I am on it, however I am having to learn as I go unfortunately. I will be practicing with friends as I go. I have high standards and want this to look right.<br>


    I was looking at investing in 50-80mm 1.2-1.8<br>

    And thank you for the links! I will definately take a look.</p>

  7. <p>I am an amateur photographer and I am shooting with a Canon XSi.<br>

    I am interested it getting into fashion, portrait and some product photography and as I am on a limited budget for now I'm wondering<br>

    a. Would it be better to invest in lighting or lenses?<br>

    b. Which lighting or lenses would be the most worth while investment?<br>

    Thanks for your help,<br>


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