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Posts posted by alaskapix

  1. <p>Thanks for your help! <br>

    I believe I am feeling the persuasion towards the Sony. ;-)<br>

    A friend has a Minolta that he said I could borrow, so that should add to the conundrum!</p>

  2. <p>I'm in the market for a 90mm or 100mm lens.<br>

    I think I have it narrowed down to these three lenses in my price range: </p>

    <h6 >Sigma Telephoto 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro Autofocus Lens<br />Sony SAL-100M28 100mm f/2.8 AF Macro Autofocus Lens<br />Tamron Telephoto SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro Autofocus Lens</h6>

    <p>Does anyone have any constructive advice regarding any of these lenses?<br>

    Thank you in advanced! Rob</p>

  3. <p>Model Mayhem +</p>

    <p>Another plug for them... caveat; in order to establish an account you'll need some people shots. So, if for some odd reason you do not have any portraits, you'll need to get your friends/family to 'model' for you.<br>

    Great thing about this resource; the opportunity to trade services. A model new to the field needs a portfolio, a photographer new to the field needs a portfolio - trade. The model gets some pictures, the photographer gets some pictures. Win win.<br>

    I like Lee Richards' strategy for building a wedding portfolio/photography skills... low threat; great chance to setup; stage and work technique and lighting.</p>


  4. <p>You asked for opinions... here's mine.<br>

    20 years ago I was lucky enough to have a wonderful woman call me her husband.<br>

    Our wedding was quite simple. We were both in the military. Therefore, my best man was a friend that I have, unfortunately, lost contact with. Her bridesmaid was the wife of my best man. Their daughter was our flower girl. The catering was performed by some friends. The cake was a wedding gift from a person who used to make wedding cakes. The pastor was an Air Force chaplain. The wedding reception DJ was another co-worker. The video was simply two cameras on tri-pods. And the photographers were a couple of co-workers that were kind enough to take some pictures.<br>

    Did we get the $6,000 wedding photography package? Nope, what we did end up with were lasting memories of the day, with pictures taken by people that we were honored to call friends.<br>

    If this is what you and your bride to be wish to do, then go for it. <br>

    I will caution you - don't 'hire' an amateur with hopes of professional results.</p>

  5. <p>Brian,<br>

    Are you against advertising in Craigslist?<br>

    Although there is sure to be a greater number of unfulfilled requests for information, there may be a few extra bookings.<br>

    Craigslist is a powerful force to be reckoned with in today's instant gratification society.<br>

    Everyone want's what they want, and they want it now. Craigslist provides that in a simple, localized package.<br>

    My Opinion: The reason people are going from Pro's to Bro's.<br>

    Everyone has a digital camera. Everyone has taken one good photo in their life. Therefore, photo's en masse are bound to produce a few adequate shots. This is akin to the popular 80's wedding tactic of placing a disposable camera on every table at a wedding. 30 cameras with 24 exposures is bound to produce a few presentable pix.<br>

    Furthermore, most of today's marrying genre are content to seeing pictures from a cell phone. <br>

    So, what is a good picture?</p>

  6. <p>Found it... noise reduction. Page 62 and 66 of the owners manual both indicate that if Noise Reduction is [On] then the camera will process at a for the same amount of time for an exposure over 1 minute.<br>

    Page 110 explains how to disable it.<br>

    Have a great one! Maybe this will help someone else, one day!<br>


  7. <p>Hello all, hopefully someone has an answer for what is becoming a frustrating dilemma.<br>

    I have an a100; when a friend of I go out to take pictures of Northern Lights, stars, etc. I can put the camera in Bulb let the camera sit for 30 seconds or 20 minutes; release, and the camera is ready almost instantly to do it again.<br>

    My friend has an A200; his camera will go into "Processing" mode for what appears to be a 1:1 ratio. IE: if he held the exposure open for 10 minutes, the camera is unavailable for processing for 10 minutes.<br>

    Any suggestions? Everything I have read indicates that the a100 and a200 are essentially identical in processor capabilities.<br>

    Thanks in advanced!<br>


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