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Posts posted by robert_armstrong2

  1. <p>Good afternoon<br>

    I originally posted this question in another forum and put down the lack of helpful answers to it being in the wrong forum<br>

    Basically I am an experienced photographer but a fool in computers<br>

    I recently brought a new PC which had PSE 7 pre-loaded onto it. It has ACR Ver 5.2. I wish to upgrade this to Ver 5.6. Clicking on "Help", "Updates" etc did not help and so I downloaded the zip file of Ver 5.6 directly from the Adobe website.<br>

    Great I thought. I now have the zip file on my desktop. However I have no idea about "swapping" it in PSE 7. Somebody told me that I have to "extract" ACR Ver 5.2 from PSE 7 and copy Ver 5.6 in its place.<br>

    How do I do this?<br>

    I was told to start with opening c:\ProgramFiles\adobe\photoshopelements7.0\Plug-ins\FileFormats. and to extract an "8b" file from the "old" Ver 5.2. However when I type in the above, Windows displays an error message: "the file c:\ProgramFiles\adobe\photoshopelements7.0\Plug-ins\FileFormats cannot be found"<br>

    Please can somebody assist with a step-by-step (i.e. idiots) guide to what to do?<br>

    Thanks in advance<br>

    miserly (robert7111a)</p>

  2. <p>Umesh. I am not a PC expert. What do you mean the setup.exe file?<br>

    John W. I thought my explanation was quite thorough. In Elements 7, clicking on "Help", "Updates" etc means the updates begin to load, get 90% done - then I get a message to the effect of "A program wants access to your computer". When I click "Allow", the updates crash and I get a message to the effect of "Updates could not be loaded". I seem to remember somebody telling me that Elements was "crippled" in this respect.<br>

    This is why I mention in my next paragraph that I downloaded ACR 5.6 directly from the Adobe website. I have the zip folder on my desktop which brings me back to my original question:<br>

    How do I manually replace ACR 5.2 with ACR 5.6 in Elements 7 (without messing it up)<br>

    A constructive step by step guide from anyone would be most useful (and encouraging)<br>

    Many thanks<br>


    <p> </p>

  3. <p>+1 on most of the above. I have a 5D, 5DII and a 30D not to mention a few film bodies.<br>

    My gut feeling is that you will regret getting rid of the 5D. How much "extra" reach do you need? How important are "advanced features" to you? Personally I would save up and get a 400mm prime. Or as others have said, get a used 40/50D </p>

  4. <p>I agree with Nirza David's last comment regarding Canon going back to basics. As Bob says, manufacturers are hell-bent on stuffing cameras full of unecessary crap in order to create a need and to push up sales. <br>

    What I would really like is a full-frame fully manual camera (the size of the 5D) with split prism focusing screen (or one with 19+ cross sensor AF points) with black and white capability and the option to use bulb mode without the need for battery power.<br>

    As others have said, I suspect we have reached the limit of the amount of pixels that can be crammed in on any given sensor and I only wish Canon improved on the basics rather than inventing new gimmicks. Mind you, if it made the tea whilst out on location, I wouldn't mind...<br>

    Just my tuppence worth...</p>

    <p> </p>

  5. <p>Chris. Thanks for link but may I point out that the camera was in AI servo mode for the moving pics.<br>

    As I can't seem to post pics here, I have asked the same question in the EOS lens forum (but the pics don't do justice due to size constraints)<br>

    Basically the background is sharp but the slow moving train is unsharp. When in AI servo mode, the autofocus tracks the moving subject and "should" hold focus. But focus is off.<br>

    Matthijs, I own both the 5D and 5D Mk II and see no difference. I was hoping the Mk II would have better AF tracking especially with centre point focus (but I tried other focus points too)</p>

  6. <p>Thanks for responses Guys. I will try and find my way around the different forums (see I can do searches). Looks like I've discovered a great site.<br>

    Now I've broken the bank to get the camera, guess I'll have to sell the wife to upgrade to CS3/4 as I can't afford it at this moment...<br>

    At least I don't have to buy any lenses (for now)<br>

    Robert Armstrong </p>

  7. <p>Good afternoon<br>

    Firstly, apologies if posted to the wrong section, this is my first post.<br>

    I have the original 5D and expecting delivery of my 5D Mk II this weekend. No doubt someone can direct me to the relevant postings on the message boards but can I expect a seamless continuation in terms of software (i.e. Zoombrower, DPP, Adobe camera raw) or will I need a major software upgrade. I'm currently using Zoombrowser (whatever version came with the original 5D) and Adobe Photoshop CS2. Will CS2 support my 5D Mk II?<br>

    Many thanks<br>

    Robert Armstrong</p>


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