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Image Comments posted by ian_millar2

    Glacier Skiing


    Hi, overall a beautifl image.
    I will say that in support of Tom Mann's arguement, the actual skier crituque is as much as part of the image as the in camera technical bits. Just like the look on the face of this image - http://tinyurl.com/2plvl4 - Would this pic be as famous with a big smile on her face? The look sells the moment. In the posted case the skiing could help sell the moment... better.
    To those who don't spend a lot of time skiing this may not matter but to those of us who do, it is something to be noticed. My first reaction was beautiful moment in time. But the second my eyes wondered down to the skier, my thought changes to 'set up' moment in time. For me personally (one who photographs action sports) the action is a key part of the image. And natural looking action will make or break the image.
    Like I said this usually only matters for folks who are involved in the sports and even at that depends on your own personal abilities with in the sport. Every element makes the image weather technical or not.
    This image does make me wish I was there. Looks like a good trip and great timing for some photography.

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