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Posts posted by jamieh

  1. <p>That's awesome! Great picture, love the vibrant colors! It's a great thing if nobody can tell the difference between which camera was used. :-)<br>

    I had a similar experience too. I entered a county fair photography judging with a couple of pictures in different categories. I was required to print the photos as 8 x 10's & frame them. One was shot with an 8 mp DLSR and the other was a 2 mp point and shoot. I ended up with 2nd place on both photos. I was pleasantly surprised that I did so well with the 2 mp point and shoot photo!</p>


  2. <p>Hi Peter,<br /> Express Digital Darkroom is what several chain photography companies use. I've worked for a couple companies that used it. It's fairly easy to use and it works well for portrait presentation for clients. You also wouldn't need a second software for the back. Darkroom can handle the printing orders too. I have no I idea what has to be done to set that up, I just knew how to use it. You can download a trial version from their website. They also have a free version that you can use and get a storefront webpage too. It's pretty good software. I would give it a try and see if you like it. You still would need POS(point of sale) software for ringing up the transactions though. Another thought would be maybe using Lightroom for your editing and work flow too. All of them also have Adobe Photoshop for major fixes or special affects that needed to be done.<br /> The company I was working for sent there images out for printing. Mpix's professional sister is Millers Professional Imaging <a href="http://www.millerslab.com/">http://www.millerslab.com/</a> <br /> The quality is very good and the turn around to get the photos back was only a few days.</p>

    <p>On a side note, I don't own a studio and I'm just sharing what I know from working at a few studios. There maybe cheaper or better options than what I shared. I thought it might be helpful to know what some of your competitors are using.</p>

    <p>Good luck!</p>

  3. At the last wedding I photographed, we were asked to do some family portraits. As we looked at it, we were contracted for the day and it wasn't going to cause any problems with getting everything we needed to get and it was good for promoting business. Yes, in a way it's a free session, but if they're happy, they will hopefully refer us to friends and family for weddings, other events or portraits in the future. I can understand why you feel that you were taken advantage of, but try to look at it as a marketing tool. Many portrait studios will offer "special events" for a free portrait session and/or portrait print purely to get the word out about them and to drum up new clients. It is a very effective marketing strategy. I've worked in a studio that did this and of coarse there were clients that only came for the free stuff and never came back, but there were a lot that did come back again and again. Maybe in the future you could give the families at the wedding you're doing portraits for your business card with a special offer or discount on events or portraits for the future on the back, just an idea. <br>

    I wouldn't express your thoughts about feeling taken advantage of to the the B&G or anyone connected to them. It will reflect you negatively and probably won't make them want to refer you to anyone they know. Bad experiences get spread by word of mouth much faster than good experiences. And people tend to remember bad stuff a lot longer than good. I would just chalk it up to live and learn for the future. And try to just think of it as a marketing strategy for the future. :-)</p>

  4. <p>Hello & Welcome Maryann!<br>

    I have done one wedding where the Bride & Groom requested a "First Glimpse" moment. The ceremony & reception was in the same location (a garden tent) and we were going to do 95% of the formals before the ceremony at a second location. They wanted a private moment together with nobody around except for them & the photographers to capture the moment. The only down fall was that we were at a hotel that had a garden tent. The grounds were unattractive as was the inside of the hotel. They left it up to us to find a place for them to meet & see each other. We ended up having them meet inside the garden tent. It worked out well. We did unfortunately had to play crowd control a little, since the wedding party & the parents wanted to see & take pictures too. Likely we were able to keep everyone by the doors so the bride & groom could have their moment. It was a sweet moment. The advantage of this is that was sort of a controlled environment. The couple was glad that they had this moment together before we all left to do the formals at a second location before the ceremony. They didn't get another chance to be alone until after the reception.<br>

    Pro's: Photographer has some control during a "First Glimpse" session. Bride & Groom get a moment together to see each other and/or exchange gifts. It doesn't seem to effect the emotions of the day after that....they usually can't keep their eyes off each other all day. Works well if the B & G want to do formals before the ceremony.<br>

    Con's: Family, wedding party & friends that are around have a hard time with staying back to give them that moment. (Maybe better planning with B & G would have helped, but IDK) Can't do it this if the B & G do not want to see each other before the ceremony. Can be difficult to find a good location for a "First Glimpse" session depending on the location. <br>

    We have done a "Quite Moment" after the ceremony too. It proves to work just the same as a "First Glimpse" with the same pro's & con's. Personally, I don't think it effects the emotions of the day whether they see each other first before the ceremony or at the ceremony for the first time. I do suggest a "First Glimpse" session if they plan to do formals before the ceremony. It doesn't take very long and if its planned in to the time frame, its not a big deal. We don't pose it, just provide a place for them to see each other & talk or exchange gifts. Maybe ten minutes long? One couple had one rule though, they wouldn't kiss before the ceremony. So we had them touch their noses together, it was really cute! <br>

    Hopefully this helps you a little!<br>

    Again, welcome!<br>


  5. <p>Full res is the best way to go. I have a 12 mp and always go full res because as much as I can guess which photos the B&G will enlarge, there's always one here and there that will want something I wouldn't pick as an enlargement. Because of that, I always shoot as large as my camera will let me.</p>
  6. <p>My partner & I work out where we're going to be before the ceremony shortly after we arrive at the location. We know what each others strengths and weaknesses are while shooting a ceremony. She's stronger on close ups in a spur of the moment. I'm better at capturing the whole scene. So what we usually do (as long as we have permission) is I'm in the back...capturing the wedding party as they come in and the crowd & full scene shots. She shoots closer to the front from the sides to achieve a different angle & get close up shots of the action & emotions. We also are watching each other at the same time to make sure that we're not in the way of each others shots. I think we've caught each other twice maybe in a photo, but we were blurred out in the background. We do the same thing for the reception too. Although, sometimes we just take turns photographing key moments...like toasts where you don't really need to people shooting. Like said above, "learn to work together like a well oiled machine" and don't shoot from the same angle. You'll just end up with a lot of photo repeats that you'll end up dumping in the trash bin later. Hope this helps a little. ;-)</p>
  7. <p>Well we're doing a wedding tomorrow and we're taking the group to a park that has a train caboose there. We figure we can get some fun shots on the caboose and tracks. There's also a beach with life guard towers near by that we plan to have some fun using. Try finding parks, beaches, old train tracks, old abandoned buildings. Have the four hold hands and jump up together at the same time. Have the groom, best man and maid of honor pick up the bride and then switch it to the bride, best man and maid of honor pick up the groom. Play on a playground and swings like Ed suggested. </p>
  8. <p>I have a Macbook Pro and I love it! BUT, I have a PC desktop and some of my software is not "mac" friendly. Couple of thoughts....what kind of computer is he using currently? I would suggest staying with a windows PC if that is what he already has. That way he can use the same software on the laptop. If he has made any suggestion of wanting to go mac then maybe that would be a better idea. If he has not given ya an idea as to his preferrence....bring it up. Like, "So honey, I was thinking maybe we could get a laptop sometime after the wedding, maybe with any gift money or gift cards we get to go toward it. What do you think about getting a mac or pc?" LOL....use that sneaky route to get the info you need. He doesn't have to know that YOU are actually getting it for him. <br>

    There's good and bad about both. Go check them out and see what you like best. Personally, I like my mac for viewing photos and movies. My hubby says that macs are better for pictures and graphics. He's a computer geek so I trust him. Although I still have to buy photoshop for the mac as the windows one doesn't work on mac. :-(</p>

  9. <p>I did a google search for this photographer. You may also want to do a search if he is using your photo's because I found a lot of pages connected to this guy. Here's a few example's:</p>




    <p>Hopefully none of the photo's shown on these sites have been taken from another photographer. :-(</p>


  10. <p>Hello Everyone!</p>

    <p>Okay, maybe I missed the post somewhere on this, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to convert from RAW's to JPEG's in Lightroom. I downloaded the Lightroom 3 Beta software from Adobe to basically try it out. So far I like it except the saving to JPEG part. How do I do this?<br>

    The other question is, how do you find the section where you can set the dpi? I feel sort dumb for asking this. I know how to do it in PS, but I can't seem to find it in LR.<br>

    One last question, I understand that this is Beta software and that it's basically the version that Adobe is planning to release. My question is....when Adobe actually releases LR 3 for sale, is there any reason that I should get rid of the Beta and buy the final release?</p>



  11. <p>Hi Everyone!<br>

    I just got the E-620 last week after using the E-500 with the kit lenses. I just got the E-620 body. I'm enjoying playing with my new toy and loving the results I'm getting. My question is, where can I find a list of some sort of lenses available for the Olympus including after market ones too that are compatible? Currently I'm interested in a prime lens, but I was also looking for a faster zoom lens than the kit ones. </p>

    <p>Couple other questions, have anyone else used the E-620 and what are your thoughts? Have you had any problems with it? I haven't so far, but then again I haven't had it very long. <br>

    Thanks for your help!<br>


  12. <p>



    First, thank you for your response. Yes, I am upfront with them. The couples know that I'm by no means a seasoned pro. I know that I personally would have been very angry if I wasn't told and for that very reason, I make sure they know and see examples of photos I have done that wasn't done in a studio that I worked for. I agree that this is a valid concern. I will not shoot a wedding alone based on the facts that, one, I don't feel confident to do it alone, two, I do not have a back up camera and three, I'm still learning and need more experience. Which is precisely why I am asking these questions, I need to learn more about the cameras, how they work and how to use them better. You are correct in assuming that the studio experience didn't teach me anything technical, other than posing, getting the facial expression and people skills. <br>

    So, now you kinda know where I'm at, I'm trying to learn and understand. </p>



  13. <p>My in-laws gave me thier Canon AE-1 Program tonight. They actually got it from one of their parents. I have the body, a Canon 50/1.8 lens, a lens that says: JCPenny MC Auto Zoom 1:4.0 f=80-200mm 55, a Sunpak Auto821 Dedicated, and a Vivitar 28FD Auto-Dedicated Thyristor.</p>

    <p>I have never used this type of camera before. I have an Olympus E-620 DSLR and I'm still a fairly newer photographer. So here are some of my questions, I hope you can help.....</p>

    <p>How can I tell if everything is in good working repair?<br>

    Is this a decent camera? IQ?<br>

    I got all the manuals for the camera and the lens, but not the flashes....know where I can find out more on how to use them?<br>

    Anything I should know about the camera, lens and flashes?<br>

    Is this camera worth a lot today? I even have the receipt from purchase from 1984 and it came with the Canon Lens 50/1.8 for 399.99.</p>

    <p>Any help you can give me would be great!<br>


    Jamie </p>

  14. <p>Thanks for the your thoughts! I decided to trade in my E-500 for the E-620. I talked it over with a few of my more seasoned photographer friends and decided that I wanted a better IQ. I found out that my shutter was starting to go and that was what was giving me some issues. I kept my original lenses though. Like I said, I'm still fairly new, but from what I understand the new lens that comes with the E-620 isn't as good as the ones I have. I was wondering if you had any recommendations for lens to look into for the Olympus? </p>
  15. <p>I have an Olympus E-500 and I was thinking about buying a new camera. This is my first DSLR camera and I bought it purely based on the price and that it came with two lenses at the time. My problem is that I'm still fairly new to using a DLSR on my own and don't quite understand what to look at in a camera and how to determine what I need in a camera. I've worked in studios like, Flash! (Company owned by LifeTouch). The studio I worked for was closed and I have gotten requests from some former clients to continue as there photographer for on location stuff and been asked to help with a few weddings this summer. I've done a few weddings already and done some stuff on location too. I guess my question is, is my camera good enough for what I'm doing or should I look into buy a new one? With all the options for cameras its getting very confusing. If I was to buy a newer camera, what would you recommend and why? Is upgrading to the E-620 worth it or should I look at Cannon or some other brand? Do you have any links for me to look at that explains stuff more simply? <br>


  16. <p>I sent an email to you at contact@photo.net with two pictures. I looked into my Equipment, I didn't have two of the same cameras listed. I removed the camera I had listed from the list. I tried uploading again without having any cameras listed and still got the same response. I really appreciate you guys looking into this and trying to figure it out. Thanks again! You guys are awesome!</p>
  17. <p>Okay, maybe a weird coincidence but, I can't upload pictures that we're taken with my camera, Olympus E-500 (except for the one). I can however upload pictures that were taken with a different camera. Could I have a setting wrong on the camera itself that could be causing the problem? I was a able to upload pictures from my wedding taken with a Canon and pictures from my point and shoots. I don't know if this helps or not. I just thought it was kinda weird that I can upload pictures that were taken with other cameras. I've deleted the pictures because I didn't take them. Thanks for looking into this!</p>
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