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Image Comments posted by lachaine

  1. Tastefully set-up and composed iPhone photo. I can't tell what they are exactly because I'm colourblind, but I like the overall colour scheme. I'm sure it would have looked nice as a black and white as well.

  2. It's not an unattractive image. The thumbnail was good enough to draw me in, because I love pictures of old buildings, and it looked promising. However, there are a few areas for comment.


    If you intended this to be a documentary type photo of a last standing old building, it's way too photoshopped. It doesn't look like a photograph, but more like a painting. Perhaps a little too much sharpening. A good candidate for black and white, possibly (if you have the original unaltered file).


    If you wanted a more artsy type of image, it may or may not meet that expectation, but I'm pretty sure I can see the areas in the sky that were burned-in using the burning tool. Some of the strokes are obvious.


    The composition is good, but experimentation with different angles might have given more impact to the building, and less to wires and other distractions in the background. Other than that, and the obvious burning-in strokes, the original has potential for an attractive image.


    I've taken many pictures like this, and I've had the same problem: white is too white, ends up as a blown highlight. I think that for a picture like this, you really need exactly the right light: diffuse, such as perhaps an overcast day, or either early or late in the day. Direct sunlight or bright hazy sunlight is probably going to be too bright on the whites.


    I'm an old sailor and I love nautical pictures. This is a nice composition. The only thing I would suggest is that, in a picture like this, it might be better if the bollard in the foreground were also in sharp focus. Nice colours.
  3. Superb photo Luis. Thanks for directing me to it from the MF forum. Did you use a tripod for this, and do you remember at what ISO you rated the XP2? Just curious about it. I've used XP2 a lot on 35mm, and I find I get the smoothest tones when I rate it at ISO 200. It has become my favourite B&W film. In 35mm format at least, I like it better than Tri-X and HP5, both of which I've also used.

    Front Steps


    This photo grabbed my eye, I guess because of the bright colours - maybe having colour deficient vision has something to do with it :)


    I just finding so pleasant to look at. Good composition too.

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