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Posts posted by scott_champion2

  1. <p>i have same lens, same stupid focus issues. sent it in. still.<br>

    focuses when close to subject. blurry when more than 2 ft. away. <br>

    i am extrememly confused. could also be the d200. sent that in also. still random blurry pics.</p>

  2. <p>not my money, but swing for both. The 70-200 is a must have, and that 1.4 @ 85mm "Cream Machine" has that name for a reason! Amazing photos w/ it. It has a unique look. You would totally dig both, each in their own way.</p>
  3. <p>I have a D200, not horribly old, but its been used throughly. Recently it has problems focusing. Image appears clear in the viewfinder but once the shutter fires, the focus shifts off a decent amount. Ex. autofocus bracket on eye, only in focus part of the image will be the shoe, or some random thing off the focal plane. As you can understand that is is very dis-heartening that i cannot take a clear picture with this camera. I am an expierenced photo/video camera user. I have a stready enough hand to shoot 1/30 and make it tack-sharp. I understand wide open apertures will yield soft results (or in the form of SHALLOW DOF) so makeing accomodations accordingly: I shoot above 1/70, above f3 or more to get a clear picture. I even took note of my breathing befor ethe shutter fires! Thes should be clear images! Note that this is portraits, not sports! This is not ALWAYS the case, seems only when om on a photoshoot! Had the D200 sent in to be fixed, they agreed that is wasnt working, and repaired it. Have it back, still with same problems! I dont believe its lens related as I put the 18-200vr from the d200 on our d50 and it was fine. The d50 and 50mm 1.8 was taking clear pics, so i put the 50mm on the d200, with soft results! So it has to be the d200 body. (I even had to send on the 18-200vr once before because it could not focus at all, and this was a long time ago. If not the lens, now the body. I'm at a loss as im tired of doing shoots with just our D50! Saving up for the D700 and better Glass!<br>

    Any help/explainations/solutions are GREATLY appreciated!</p>

  4. <p>A) call apple supposing you have Apple Care or are under warranty. Otherwise they wiss simply tell ou to look @ their discussions page<br>

    B) The aperture print window>(bottom center)>border options> (defaulted to a positive value)> change to zero.<br>

    C) verify that your print settings are aware of you paper size.</p>

    <p>I dont mean to insult you, as these can be obvious, but these are just some common mistake i ran into reguarding the same issue w/ Aperture and the 4880.</p>

  5. <p>I have the 4880. Amazing printer. In reguards to your questions on which printer to get, consider the vairables that ore not ususally considered. The 3880, being the lowest of the pro line is pretty nice, but at the lowest level of the Stylus Pro, some accomodatiions were made. The 3880 is considerably less in phyisical weight (43 lbs.) of the printer that compared to that of the 4880. Both do 17'' wide, and granted that the 4880 has roll support, the 4880 weighs a massive 89 lbs. ! And it is huge (ex. a semi truck'ed down my road and this printer arrived on a pallet! The wieght is not a issue to me, you set it on a table, and you use it. You dont need to carry it to and fro. Set it down, set it up and print. How can one complain of its weight? Well as in this extra weight in the same width size printer, this weight has to be from phyisically stronger parts. The 4880 is for a producton environment. Use it everyday, all day and it will not break down. The 3880, while still a "pro" and still "pro quality" simply can not be built *(AS MUCH) for a production environment as the 4880. <br>

    I went with the 4880 because I like things that are durable, dont break and are reliable. The 4880 has a $500 MIR and that made it almost cheaper than the 3880. 4880s are in hight demand now from the MIR, I waited over a month for mine, no US suppliers had 'em. So order it early!<br>

    I thought the 4880 would do 4x6 as the 3880 does. Doing roll paper and PSing a template inst too bad, but if business upturns i would swing for a 3880 down the road for times when i just want to print on cut sheet!<br>

    Of course the 3880 has tray paper. Havnt personally seen such, but I cannot see a manual feed only. Granted the its paper tray isnt are legit as the 4880s. Again, the 4880, while at the same price now is the better printer.<br>

    I am though not happy to have ONLY photo black OR Matte Black. 3880 had both, but for me to wash out $$$ of ink into that Maint. Tank seems not worth it. (Considering that I have to buy a whole new set of ink soon, which at those 220s will run me $600+. Simply the cost of doing business!</p>

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