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Image Comments posted by pemongillo

  1. Thank you all for taking the time to comment. Yes you gotta love real spoke rims on just about anything. I am pretty sure I remember I search for adventure, but couldn't find any evidence of it on line, but I know what you are talking about. Yes its hard for a classic like this to lose her dignity. Its always there waiting for someone to love it again. I have been scarce from PN, but always good to hear from old cyber friends. Marie, I'm guessing your marriage proposals from US citizens have increased dramatically in the last month. :-)


    Lenin's Tears


    Jack, I think you will appreciate this. When I took this photograph, I was completely oblivious to the silhouette of Lenin. It was just a rock. I mean it is just a rock, but its likeness to Lenin escaped me for some time after.

  2. JACK: Thanks. This was truly a strange place in the middle of nowhere in Eastern Oregon. It's called the"Crack. An ancient lava flow that seemed to be flowing on the surface not in a lava tube which are more common here; it cooled  and cracked down the middle of its long serpentine shape. The sides fell away and there is a lava slot canyon left. The sides and bottom of this canyon were quite rugged. However, there were a few spots that looked like they had been eroded by water like this formation. It was not water. I was a different lava flow out of the side of the canyon after it formed. Very interesting place. The other interesting thing is my camera was attached to my tripod, because light was an issue. Despite that, for some reason unknown to me I must have had held it in aperture priority and the iso ended up at 3200 for this shot. Didn't realize that until I posted it here. Oh well, still looks good, even as a larger print. Thanks for taking the time to comment.



    That's funny Jack. I don't have the patients or equipment for photographing more finicky wildlife, so I stick mostly with the little things or more unwary creatures. I did a two night canoe trip down a local river and camped on a gravel bar for two nights. It rained a bunch, but these creatures were everywhere chowing down on this particular plant. Pretty easy photo pickings for me. 

    Kazakh GIrl


    VS, No she isn't chewing gum. It was a shred of cloth she was chewing on. I don't think having her hair in focus would help anything. I think one is immediately drawn to her eyes. I am puzzeled as to why her hair isn't in focus though. Her eyes are and her grandfather's sweater are both in focus. Perhaps her forhead is titled closer to the lens then her eyes.

    My Heart Waits


    Thanks Ken. Is it still tilted ? I thought I had actually used a ruler to correct it. But I just put a ruler to the screen and the horizon is not level. Good catch Ken.

  3. Pierre and Jack, thanks for taking the time to comment on "this" my first ever cell phone posting.....Probably my last, but its good to know that I can get a descent 4x6 prints out of a cell shot. A nice 4x6 or 4x5 print framed properly could be very attractive.


    Hidden Obsession


    Very off beat shot Jack. I like offbeat. Well done. Categorizing photographs is somewhat annoying to me, especially the "Fine Art" category. Photography is art regardless of whether it's from the street or from the mountains of Patagonia (or it could just be crap, but you know what I mean). Try posting and "Environmental Portrait" in the Portrait gallery and see the lack of interest you get. I must say, I don't embrace the categories on PN or most other places. However, I do have them on my own website. But I created and described them for my own work. One size does not fit all. Here is a link to my gallery page if you are interested.  http://www.wideawakephoto.com/galleries One last thought on categorizing that is somewhat related. Often when entering a juried exhibit you are asked if you are a pro, semi pro or amateur photographer. I believe your work should stand on its own and have nothing to do with your resume, your work, what school you went to or where you have exhibited before. I started answering all the questions on entries to juried exhibits with "my work stands on its own". Needless to say, I have had little luck with my work being accepted of late. :-) I agree that categorizing a photograph on PN should be optional. 

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