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Posts posted by ayesha_collenette

  1. <p>Fantastic!! All very helpful advice - i see what you mean about Helmut newton - very interesting - I knew a bit about hard light/ direct sunlight but didn;t realise precise time of day was so important - makes sense !<br>

    Have been checking out youtube more thanks to you guys.. and experimenting with exposure - (just need the sun to come out!! grrr) yes, I am learning with digi as its so easy to see instantly whats good - or bad! but will then apply it to film, once im a bit better - definitely want to try slide -<br>

    Much appreciated - thanks for your time all</p>

  2. <p><img src="file:///Users/ayeshacollenette/Desktop/4289OperaH2Web.jpg" alt="" /> hello -<br>

    this may be an easy one for you guys - but I'm new - pleeeeeease if anyone has ideas - how do I get high contrast and brightness of colour like the pics in the link?? is it exposure or photoshop? I'm finding that shooting in sunlight washes out and mutes tones - love this high contrast, high impact style??<br>

    any thoughts?<br>

    thanks in advance for your time and knowledge!!<br>


    it's the large photos on the left of this blog site - did have better examples but finding simple links was not so easy - thanks!</p>

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