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Posts posted by gregjohnson

  1. <p>I normally don't do multiple portrait, today I did a fun raiser for the private school my wife teaches at an my daughter attends. I now need to be able to automatically mark each photo about 350 of them with a copyright and the file name. I have Elements 6 and Paint Shop Pro X2. If these won't do it is there any software that will not break my pocket book that will do this.</p>
  2. <p>I am ew to the DSLR world I shoot film for years using a Minolta X-700 with Vivitar Series 1 Lenses. I sold them when I started getting into the Digital world. <br>

    Currently I have a E-410 how well will the vivitar series one lens work if I use the adapater or any other older lens ? I know that it will be manual.<br>

    Will I get the crisp clean pictures I did with my Minolta I am looking at Macro and Telephoto.</p>

  3. <p>Well I have little to no choice now. The only decent shop in my area does not handle many Olympus E-410 accessories and no lenses. I called another shop and asked if they carried any off brand flashes ie Vivitar, Promaster or Metz he informed me that there wasn't any made. Of course I had allready done my internet browsing and knew there were several choices. So be glad if you have a great store. I try to use them for a lot of my incidental purchases but sometimes as a semi- professional the bottom line is money.</p>
  4. <p>Is anyone familiar with the Rokinon TTL Olympus/Panasonic-compatible Digital Camera Flash. It goes for around 100 bucks on overstock.com I am wondering is it a good flash. I can't afford Olympus's Fl-50, I currently have an Vivitar 285HV which I love but would like a flash that is matched to my camera as I don't always shot manual.</p>
  5. <p>I have shot for about 10 years on film a few years back I sold all my equipment and begin the transition into the world of digital photography. I have done a little studio lighting, most of my work was potrait outdoors in Florida with fill flash off camera. I am looking for a simple inexpensive way of getting set up with umbrellas, stands etc.. it needs to be portable. I have been looking at a set on ebay from ephoto discounters the set is called <a id="ttl_330398657519" href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330398657519&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT">PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO CONTINUOUS LIGHTING UMBRELLA KIT k3</a>. They have been going for around 30.00 plus 20 shipping. Does anyone know this company or this set. I shoot with an E-410 my flash is 285HV. I am not looking to keep the continous lights but add strobes or flashes in the near future. </p>
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