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Posts posted by eric_goepfert

  1. <p>As far as 35 mm plastic toys go, I have had lots of fun with the lomo fisheye. My absolute fav however is the super sampler. It takes 4 shots in sequence (fast or slow) and the results are most always fantastic. The focus and color the lenses yield is fantastic. If you are looking for straight up shooting I would also recommend staying away from Lomo and hit up the local Goodwill. Some fun cheep cameras like split cam <a href="http://www.sciplus.com/singleItem.cfm/terms/15475">HERE</a> and quad cam <a href="http://www.sciplus.com/singleItem.cfm/terms/7336">HERE</a></p>


  2. <p>I just dusted off mine and ran a roll through last week. I forgot how awesome this camera is! I had the local drug store process the film and prints which came out strange as I expected due to "the computer" making the framing/cropping decisions. I don't care as long as they do a good job processing the negs. I sent off a nice set to <a href="http://www.snap3d.com/index.html">www.snap3d.com</a> for lenticular printing. I will post results when I get the prints back. I am currently running a roll of slide film through for use in RADEX keychain viewers. It is not the 3d i am going for but rather the 4 near identical half frame images. This eliminated trying to make duplicates of the good shots. Working around the 1/60 3 f stop choices is a challenge but isn't that what makes analog photography fun?</p>

    <p> </p><div>00VbNU-213869584.jpg.a24caf37a5400bb17cd4ab5508c469b9.jpg</div>

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