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Image Comments posted by atom2



    I think the hair is astonishing, not only because of the way it fans out around the model’s head, but also because of the model’s pose and facial expression which is so perfectly relaxed and natural looking that it creates a contrast with the hair...

    One thing I’d love to know is: has any airbrushing been done? There’s a texture change around the shadow of the jacket and the belly button, but it may just be the jpeg or my screen, the skin is otherwise smooth like porcelain…

    Your portfolio is crammed with portraits that I can only dream of…

    All the best




    For the first time I have actually stopped to read (some if not all) the comments posted here on POW…
    The photo at first glance appeared to be an evocative image of a time gone by, pleasant to look at if nothing else, the "nice shot" comments ensued...
    I found my self reading on, and instantly disliking some of the more critical comments about bright bits, solar panels, contrast, and as for the comment about pixilation, frankly I didn’t see the stripes on the cane let alone pixellation!!
    I realize the world of photography is somewhat alien to me:
    I’ve pursued my love for photography without ever asking why I love it, and what I want from it; I’ve come to PN to find inspiration (as to not lay dormant again) and to find my photographer self (and I guess I might not be the only one)…
    As a “lost soul” in this world of photography, I sometimes tend to feel somewhat oppressed by the so called nit-pickers. (No offence intended to anyone)
    I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it, and realize that what I fell in love with was the ability to “trap” a moment of “my” life on a piece of film… of course it was an expensive hobby for the likes of trigger happy me and I became dormant for long periods, until I brought my 450D this January.
    Maybe not everybody wants to “be good at taking or making photographs” or even “BECOME good at it”, some may just want to share that “moment of their life” with others, and enjoy the “NICE SHOT” be it by leaving such comments or accepting them.
    Hats off though to you “nit-pickers” regardless of my level of understanding and agreement! You made me stop and think and try to learn something today…
    Since solar panels, halos, and splodges have been brought to my attention, they are attracting my attention and detracting from the overall appeal of the image, and so I get your point! However I’m aware that it is not always necessary to pay so much attention to detail, how many people know the number of stairs there are on a certain staircase? And how often do you look to see what’s on the roofs of houses? When reading things we don’t look at each letter that is written, and we don’t set the table using a tape measure unless we have OCDs
    As for the old man looking into the camera, if he was in London I would expect him not to look at me, but as he is in a rural setting it is natural that he would look your way regardless of the camera, and regardless of weather the photographer belonged there or not. A second shot could have been taken a few paces further up the slope but there would be less snowflakes in front of the old man. I dare speculate that a flash was fired thus making the snowflakes more visible and brighter that the “grey” background snow making it difficult to balance the levels/contrast? I like the crop Doug presented.
    I like the photo very much, it makes me think of my youth when I used to walk the dogs in the snow and ponder, I think of the deep pleasure of a hot bowl of soup after you’ve been out in the cold all day, I think of when us kids used to shovel the snow outside old ladies houses and they used to call us in and give us home made liqueurs and biscuits and cakes and money (unsurprisingly I used to stay out all day shoveling LOL...)
    I’d like to extend my gratitude to Orhan Köse for taking and posting this photo and to ALL who commented, although I was meant to be working these past 2 hours and I’m probably going to get in trouble!!
    All the best



    This little fellow was patiently waiting for people to finish eating

    their scones at a tea-room in the new forest.


    Thanks for looking

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