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Image Comments posted by michaelhleary

  1. This is one of my favorites of all you've posted, perhaps because its a subject I've never been successful in capturing or as artistic in interpreting as you have. I think the lack of a horizon line is important to the success of this image - if one were there, it would distract from the symmetry of the reflections and the receding line of the pilings. Thanks for the inspiration!


    Though the next photo in this series engendered the most discussion on the imagery of power, this one seems to me the more involving image. The contrast of the rough male hands, the pressing of the hands against the woman's flesh, the presence of two rather than one hand (with the implication of a firmer grasp), and the partially clothed state of the woman all combine to not only be ambiguous over whether the photo is about passion or violence, but also to explore the startlingly fine line between the two in the depths of the human psyche. Truly a moving image.
  2. I was never quite sure why that picture wasn't half as good as it should have been given the dramatic subject. Your cropping suggestion worked great. I also see what you mean about getting closer - it would have added a lot more depth. Thanks!

  3. As a "geek" to whom the mechanics of the camera are a lot easier to master than the artistic eye, I find your compositions interesting. As in many of your photos, the subject is right dead center in the frame, yet it works great. In this photo, the symmetry even extends to the positions of the two women; only the shimmer of the receding wave on the left breaks it up at all. Another example of how applying "the rules" isn't the path to compelling photos. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Red Blanket

    I admire your ability to see the abstract artistic elements in everyday objects, and turn that into compelling images. Whether achieved through traditional photography or photoshop, your vision comes through. Thanks for sharing

    Self portrait


    I enjoy the unusual perspective of these kite photos - the kind of overhead plan view you'd get from an aircraft is less involving because small details get lost, yet here you are able to be both directly overhead and close to your subjects. I'm also quite jealous that your compositions are far superior to my own, and you can't even see through the camera when you click the shutter!

    The shadow in this photo is an interesting dilemna. The strong texture of the cracked mud precludes using the shadow as the main compositional element as in some of your others. But without the shadow, the subject would, I think, disappear into the background. I like the amount of contrast in the cracked mud; to my eye the distracting part of the shadow from the person is mostly the thin pointed part coming off the foot.


    I find this an interesting composition. I wouldn't normally think to let the foreground of a scenic to be dominated by a vast expanse of grass, but here the relatively subtle rows in the grass draw the eye toward the middle of the photo and add texture and depth. Then, right where the eye is drawn in, is the brightly sunlit tree which stands out from while being echoed by the softer-looking shadowed tree nearby. Nice eye! My favorite of the folder.
  4. As my own (relative lack of) compositional skill leads me gradually toward simpler and simpler compositions, this arresting jumble of angular shapes and surrealistic colors stands as an inspiration of how a great photo can be made of such a complicated subject. Thanks for sharing
  5. Normally a rainbow, though somewhat elusive to capture effectively, would be a rather tired subject. But what intrigues me about this example is the wheat field - the bright golden color seems evocative of the proverbial pot of gold from whence rainbows emanate, as if this field is a giant golden rainbow source. Picking nits, I would have found the photo more compelling if the sky were brigher and more blue. And is the graininess in the sky/rainbow in the actual picture or could a more careful scan eliminate it?

    Baker Beach

    Some may complain that this bridge is a tired subject, but this is one of the nicest shots I've seen of it. The golden swath of foam to the left balances this into a much more pleasing composition (to my eye) than the other bridge shots in your folder. And, of course, the light was great.
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