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Posts posted by lars_forslin

  1. <p>Regarding underexposure on the D90: what is underexposure, really? Is it underexposure if I turn the exposure down by 1.67 eV just to get the lighting of an evening scene correct? Yes, in that case I underexpose a lot. But what are you supposed to do in a situation like that? Expose correct and adjust lighting in the computer?</p>
  2. <p>Richard: Thank you for the very informative link. The noise characteristics sounds very promising for D700. If I can only get it at the right price... <br>

    I probably exaggerated the D90 noise problem at ISO 400. As you say, it's mainly in underexposed shots it is visible in prints, but sharpening also worsen it. If the light is dim, chances are that you try to get a shot, slightly underexposed, just to get the shutter speed down. In my prints, it is not really a problem until ISO 800. But being able to use that ISO level should really increase the number of usable exposures. Many of our best shots are taken in low-light conditions when the light is exciting, so this is important.<br>

    But, as Ivar says, keeping the D90 for telephoto is tempting, but that solution will be more expensive. We'll see...</p>

  3. <p>Others suggest Lightroom here, and while I haven't used that program, I am using ACDSee pro 3, which I have understood is about the same, but for less money. ACDSee pro 3 keep youd images in order in a database where you can add all sorts of data, and you can also touch up your photos indestructively (the original is stored in a folder in the same folder). I find it very convenient and it has revolutionized my workflow. You can download a 30-day trial.</p>
  4. <p>I'd like to chime in here, since I am in the same position as Apurva. I have started doing a lot of 13"x19" prints for exhibition and I notice that noise levels in ISO 400 and above are very noticeable and sometimes require me to run Noise Ninja, which also robs me of some detail. Will there be a considerably lower noise level in ISO 400 on the D700? How big is the difference? One ISO stop or more?</p>
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