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Image Comments posted by jay_drew

    Purple drop


    That is stunning! Absolutely stunning. I just realized that I want to make photographs that have that feeling & evoke the mood of it. It looks like the feeling behind the best mind altering state I've ever encounters. Did you modify the color of the lighting, or post production? Minor curiosity, is that a thumb coming in from the lower left side? JD

    Farrah 00008


    I really like it! I thought that about the composition & the dramatic color effects before I realized it was a female nude. WOW! All the better. What a bonus, JD

  1. Hi Lex

    Sorry to be replying so tardily, but I just learned how to find my past posts on photo.net thanks to;

    Fred G & Tom Mann. Now why didn't I find this out 2 years ago. Sometimes I amaze myself w/ my languidity. Now I'm going back through my old posts (?). I've never seen U're comments till today.

    In any case, I'm sure that your comment about not seeing that every day caused her to smile. It said to her that U're a knowledgeable photographer & she appreciated the common ground U both shared. I don't remember any Polaroids that looked like it. I would have guessed it was something like 2-1/4"X 3-1/4" '40s or '50s Bush or some such press camera. I would have stopped, watched her technique, & talked w/ her a little, because she looks like an interesting person & camera. To me part of the fun of shooting out in public is interacting w/ people. BTW I assume U didn't get a model release. I'm not at all clear on when they are needed & not. @ one time I carried a stack w/ a dollar bill stapled to each one that were filled out in advance except for the subjects name. Obviously I don't any more, but I'm also not sure if I could post any on line of exhibit a print.

    As for using a 28mm lens for general, street, grab shooting. I feel somewhat the same as U. I don't particularly like it. I usually prefer to get close to my subject w/ either a fast 50mm or 85mm, (Now if only I had a fast (f1.4) 85 mm) & use a flash on the camera turned down to ~2 stops to act strictly as a fill. I use a 28mm for only certain situations, in which cases I love it, JD

  2. Love it! In particular the way the lamp wraps / mimics the side of Bld. to the roof. Never saw tree crop, but suspect it would have been a distraction from the man made forms. A compelling shot that caused me to click on it.

    Really caught my attention! JD

    If this makes it into the critiques, I will drop dead w/ surprise. Whenever I comment on a photo, I immediately get it thrown back in my face w/ several lines of inane gobbledygook that make no sense to me whatsoever, that are trying to tell me why my critique was not posted. The words might as well have been Mesopotamian. I've twice emailed the administrator, asking what the message is trying to tell me, but w/ no response back.

  3. Don't be sorry for anything. The image is just right. On the east coast (USA) they call it 'aut daughlingk'.I love seeing & also shooting layers of reflections. Its a lot of fun. I should do it more myself.

    Keep up the good work.

  4. Hello Jon

    I really like the original. Yes the other poster's comments about the 'BETA" sticker are true, it does take away from the image (unless it's an ad for 'BETA').

    The expanse of the floor contributes to the stillness, or solitude of the image, which immo is what makes it art as opposed to a snapshot.

    I may have moved the jack handle ~ a foot to the left. Or moved the camera enough to the right to eliminate the overlap, but I love the straight on impact & the missing mechanics. (Did aliens abduct them? Hard to believe they all had time to have lunch at the same time. Most motorsport work has to be done in less time than is available)

    BTW What is the car? Lotus, Lola? I can see it's a 4 cylinder, probably ~ 1.5L. 25yrs ago I would have known.

    Great shot, JD

    Rabelsko Jezero_2

    Stunning! Absolutely breathtaking. W/o the duck it would be much more ordinary. I can't imagine how the ducks position could be better. Is it made from just one exposure? I would be very proud to have that shot in my portfolio. Not much snow in the mountains. Was it exposed this winter (2010)?
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