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Posts posted by liane_joseph

  1. <p>Hi there!<br>

    I hope someone can answer this...<br>

    I'm a new photographer & am creating my first website. I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to present an online photo album to my clients on my website (in the Client Access area) for viewing & proofing the photos, while also allowing me to make further changes to it, after discussions w/my clients.<br>

    I've been researching many companies in the US & Canada (I'm located in Toronto) & here's what I've found:<br>

    - companies which allow you to create an album on their website/using their photo book templates will not allow me to save a draft version on my website in order to present to my client before further editing/ordering is done. Another thing is that these companies insists on only being able to print the photo album at their labs.<br>

    - alternately, there are many online photo templates available out there, however, it's more for consumers to use when making their photo books, as opposed to being catered to professionals to use for e-commerce...<br>

    THANKS !</p>

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