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Image Comments posted by jiroprism

  1. Tony:

    You are right. My picture ("Lisboa2") that you have commented on, is in fact, very similar to this one. Perspective and composition are almost the same, but my guess is that this photo has been taken in the afternoon and probably with a wider lens.    I wish I can see this place with my own eyes.

    Jiro Ogahara

    Laguna Colorada


    So, you've been in one of the most beautiful places in this planet!

    I've been there 10 years ago, and I'm surprised you don't have more pics of Uyuni.

    Looking at this picture, which is very beautiful, makes me feel like going there again.




    My Lolita



    This is just a beautiful portrait and also a digital work. One of the best I've seen. Shot with an Elan II? It happens to be the camera I used when I discoverd this beautiful art. Regards,


    Luz de Luna II


    Hola Francisco,

    Me gusta mucho la composicion y exposicion de esta foto, pero..., es mi pantalla? o es que en realidad no se ve la luna?

    Saludos y sigue compartiendo tu trabajo con nosotros.


  2. Hi Miguel,

    I agree with you that sunsets are magical, and I also understand why you are posting this beautiful photo.

    I was wondering how the picture will be if you crop a little bit (specially the lower left side) and make it a vertical rather than horizontal photo. Please keep showing us your work. Regards.

    Miguel Jiro

  3. This picture was taken in a park. The kid told me that he was looking for

    crabs near the river on the left, and I wanted to capture how

    concentrated he was. What do you think?



    Great Beyond


    Hi. I'm new here at PN. One of the reasons I became a member is that I like to see photos that go one step further so that I can get inspired and motivated to continue working and learning this beautiful art.

    But watching at your photo..., I simply don't have words for that. Simply amazing and beautiful.

    I have much respect for your effort planning and working on this photo. Really professional, and by far..., one of my favorites!



    Enoshima 4



    Aunque yo vivo cerca de Tokyo y el desastre no nos afecto directamente, efectivamente mis suegros viven en Sendai y el terremoto los golpeo fuerte. La casa, que menos mal estuvo fuera del alcance del tsunami esta bien, pero se cayeron todos los muebles. Agradecemos que no hubo heridos y ahora todos estamos saliendo de esto poco a poco. Gracias por tu mensaje.


  4. Jorge

    Gracias por el consejo. Como veras, todavia soy novato en este sitio, pero acabo de poner algunas fotos en el photo critique. Es esto a lo que te refieres o hay otra forma de pedir rates?




    Kyoto is a mix of tradition and modernity. It doesn't matter where you

    walk, its almost sure that you turn the corner and you will find a

    beautiful scenery and tons of photo subjects.

    This is one of my first georama photos.


    Comments are werlcome. Thank you.



    Pursuing Dreams


    This photo was taken in winter. It was freezing but this guy was alone

    and ready for some surfing. Amazing.


    What I love about this photo is the 2 guys doing what they love no

    matter the hour or temperature. I like the colors too. What do you think?


    Comments are welcome.



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