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Posts posted by sergey_sudakovich

  1. <p>I have decided to be more serious about photography and take some classes and even get a degree (AA or Bachelors). A lot of resources online are pointing to Academy of Art University. They have both online and on-campus classes, which is great for me because I have a full time job. I was wondering if anybody attended that school or have heard anything (good and bad) about it or has any other recommendations as far as school/classes in the Bay Area (the closer to San Jose the better) or online?</p>
  2. <p>It would be hard to determine what exactly is "perfect" for a particular service. Either post the name of service or go to their support page and try to figure that out yourself. Usually this information is out in the open. Also, I quick email to their support service should clarify that - this is not a secret, they will gladly give you the info so you can use their service.</p>
  3. <p>I am a beginner myself, but SmugMug (http://www.smugmug.com/) seams to be the resource a lot of people are using for what you need. You can upload your images, create sideshows, use watermarks so that nobody can your work without your approval, etc. They have access to the slideshow and will let you know what they want. Check it out, the site is nice and gives you a break down of everything they offer. One down side - it is not free,but reasonable priced. If you are really on a budget, you can watermark them yourself and post on flickr or picasa.</p>
  4. <p>Hi Everybody. The reason why I am posting in a beginners section is because I am a beginner. But since the best way to learn is to actually try things out, I found a gig making the menu and banners for a sushi restaurant. I will photograph their foods and use them for the aforementioned menu and banners. I already went to the local booksotre and and checked out few recipie books for images and positioning but felt like I need more info on the issue. So people who have ever did food photography or have a good advice on the topic, would really help me out. Here is what i am interested in:<br>

    - what lens should I use (silly question, but i am sure there are general good rules of thumb on that)? I will use my Canon XSI - told you I am a beginner<br>

    - what kind of light and how to positions the dishes (I think I will photograph closer to the window, but there might not be enough light since the place is kind of secluded)<br>

    - what kind of additional equipment should I bring along/rent?<br>

    - what kind of setup (light, reflectors, etc) would work best<br>

    - any useful resources people know of (web sites, books magazines)</p>

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