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Image Comments posted by diana_bolen

    Camo Mode


    I have been asked to make a larger version of this for a potential

    customer. I am not sure of the colors and feel its a bit dark on my end.

    Monitors can vary so much, I am not sure it will fit the bill.


    Note: Image has been significantly reduced in size. Actual file size is

    over 1.5 mb.






    I get a very somber feeling when looking at this for some reason. I took a breath when I first saw it and my heart sank.
    The only thing that I did wonder is, where are the pedals?

    Very thought provoking. Love it!

    The nun


    Most excellent photo Micu!
    I actually like that the left side is much whiter and brighter, almost over exposed. Gives the impression that the Woman is moving into the frame from the right of the shot.



    Thanks Chris! I am having fun around here and getting lots of ideas. I like the challenges Photo.net have posted here. I plan on making it my New Years Resolution to take more photos and challenge my self more and this place is a great place to give me that kick in the pants.



    Tailor cat...


    Love this photo Matteo. When I saw it at first I thought...ooooo noooo kitty do not bat at that moving needle!

    Gave me a sense of danger and concern for kitty's safety. Great Shot!


    I am sure you would never let Kitty get hurt.


    Love it.



    Hi all, I am new here but not really new to photography. I have been

    taking pictures all my life but have not really pursued it as a Business.


    I would like your critique for this picture.


    What I was trying to achieve is repetition and a bit of color splash.


    Does the fact that the foreground flowers are blurred take away from the



    A bit of history on this picture. Taken with a Nikon F2 using a UV filter

    in bright sunlight. I am one of those photographers that never takes note

    of ISO or Shutter Speed so I have no idea on that fact...LOL


    I basically just set up and shoot, mixing it up as I go. I may need to

    discipline myself more for the future.


    Any helpful suggestions are greatly appreciated. Also I had a hard time

    picking a category for this.....what would you classify this photo as?




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