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Posts posted by randy_rubin

  1. <p>I am currently looking to purchase a DSLR. I own a Canon 50mm 1.4, Canon 24mm 2.8, and a Canon 85mm 1.8. I am aware of the way the crop changes the focal lengths.<br>

    I will be using the cameras indoors with natural light as well as for street/architectural photography in NYC. I would like to be able to shoot in low light situations as well (streets at night).<br>

    I have always been a snob for 35mm film and would obviously prefer the FF camera, but I am wondering if I can really justify the cost difference of $800. <br>

    How significant is the difference in DOF? Will my lack of L glass show on a 5Dm2? Anyways, any suggestions would be appreciated.<br>


  2. <p>Thanks for all the help. I ended up making my decision based on economic principals. The EOS-1N was cheapest so I went for it. I also purchased the 50mm 1.4. I do have one question that may open a can of worms. <br>

    I purchased a Tiffen UV protection filter and realized that this probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. I intend on returning it an buying a higher quality filter - something like the Hoya multiple coats. I searched the forum and all I could find were recommendations for the Hoya Super Multi-Coated Haze filter. This seems ok but I am really looking for as clear a filter as possible - the haze quality has me concerned. Any recommendations for other filters? I am looking to spend between $30 and $40. Thanks.</p>

  3. <p>Thanks for the replies. I decided to go with film because I could get a top of the line product (body) for a couple hundred dollars as opposed to a mediocre digital slr for the same price. I intend to purchase a DSLR but I am waiting for the HD technology to develop a bit and I don't feel like spending 1,000 bucks on a temporary camera body. I have experience with street photography. I used to go around with a large zoom lens and large minolta body - I decided I wanted to lose the zoom for a few reasons. First was the size. Second was that I wanted to learn the specific differences between focal lengths. I figure the best way to do this is start with 1 prime and then build my way up with more primes. I figured start with a standard then a wide then a telephoto. <br>

    In regards to bodies, how big of a deal is it that the EOS 3 gets 97% frame as opposed to 100% Also, which of the small, more quiet bodies works - A2E or 7 EOS 7 or 7N </p>

  4. <p>I am going to purchase a camera body and lens. I am currently trying to decide between an EOS 3 or an EOS 1N. I am most likely going to purchase an EF 50mm f/1.4 USM. My use will be NYC street photography as well as interior and occasional portraits. I don't want to buy a zoom because I want to build some discipline with a prime. The 50's DOF is appealing as well as its speed - usage for night photography. My only real concern is whether or not I am choosing the proper focal length. Other options are the 35mm f/2, 24mm f/2.8 or 28mm f/2.8. Also, are there other brand lenses I should be looking at in the $350.00 price range? Should I consider other camera bodies? I really enjoy shooting with as much manual control as possible. I want the EOS mount lenses so I can mount them to a DSLR in the future to shoot HD. </p>



    <p> </p>

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