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Image Comments posted by dthew


    Great captured moment. The diagonal of the arms in composition provides great tension, the lighting highlights the smoke and the blue of his vest stands out well against the orange background. Overall an excellent composition.



    I was watching some guys hoisting heavy cement bags up through this first floor

    window. It made sense, they were heavy, but when they attached the broom that they

    were too lazy to carry up one flight of stairs, I had to get a pic.

  1. Thanks Suhaib. To answer your question, long exposure (1/2 sec) and panning, no flash. I still need to work on my panning as I would love to get the scooter sharper, but it's hard to pan accurately for so long. I was also fortunate in this shot that I got the red streaks in foreground from the tail lights of a car going in the opposite direction. That really added to the effect and made this one stand out from the other two in my gallery.
  2. Scooters are ubiquitous in Taiwan and I realised the other day that the restaurant under

    my apartment block has some red lanterns and a range of neon lights that would make

    for some interesting background streaks. I like the ethereal feel of this photo with the

    rider almost a ghostly phantom within the lights.

    Any feedback on technique or composition warmly welcomed.


    I like all the greens in this photo. I think it would also have been interesting to isolate one of these against the dark green of one of the leaves. This would have really made the light green pop and shown the amazing texture of the skin in more detail. Still a great pic though!

    Hanging Around

    This was at about head height and my first shot was from the left which then meant the background was sky. I immediately realised, as you suggested, that I needed a darker background, and so had to raise the camera above my head to look down on this and get the tree trunk and branches to try and provide a darker background. Obviously this wasn't the most stable shooting position hence the loss of sharpness. Stepladder and tripod next time!


    Your water effect is good, but I feel the photo is underexposed - too many dark corners. I think you could have gone for a longer shutter speed. Also I think that you need to think about the composition a little more. With this picture your eye starts at the water and then wants to follow the river upstream to a point in the distance where there is then... well nothing. Maybe a different angle further down the stream so that you are lead into the picture along the stream and up to the waterfall would work better.
  3. Nice water effect. I'm trying the same thing at the moment - trying to keep the shutter open for longer and longer. I feel you could work on the composition a little more, as the big rock feels to central for me and the twigs in foreground create a bit of a barrier to the eye entering the pic. I like the light though. I've been shooting on overcast days, but it means I have sometimes lost some of the lighting effects.



    The camera focussed on the centre pips, but I feel this would have been better if I had

    got the front top edge in focus. What do you think?

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