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Posts posted by simona_susnea1

  1. <p>Thanks to everyone for their answer. I'm gonna look for details on the internet on those cameras, Mike!<br>

    Dan, I'm using this camera for it's charm and I'm trying to achieve a good image quality with what I have and I am aware it's not the best compared to other cameras or technique. Thanks for your advice on other equipment available.<br>

    Joe, a square image and it's not the appropriate format for what I have in mind. Framing and composing in a square doesn't fit this project. I'm not confused when it comes to portrait and fashion work. By "model" I mean the "subject"/"person" I'm photographing, who actually sits in front of the camera. With movement I mean any (minor) change of position before taking the actual picture or reacting to a change of expression or gesture that distances my subject from camera. Thanks for clearing things out about the formats. I'm only beginning to learn about medium and large format.<br>

    On the other hand, I was thinking of increasing depth of field by using more light and choosing a smaller aperture for exposure, that would provide me with a in focus photograph if myself or subject moves a few cm, but that requires more light output and doesn't seem very handy.<br>

    Checking those cameras you wrote about seems practical and wiser.<br>

    Happy photography!</p>

  2. <p>Hello everyone!<br>

    I have a Coloprint 6x9 camera with a 4.5 T/105 mm Colorprint Anastigmat lens that I would like to use for a portrait black and white project. The only issue I have with this camera is focusing. There's a focus ring on the lens, but the only way to put the image in focus is to measure the distance from camera to subject and then set the right thing on the lens. If both subject and photographer move, there's no way you can get the sharp photograph. You all know this, but I'm explaining the process, maybe some of you have creative ideas or advice on how to maintain the right focus or to better control focus.<br>

    I'm taking pictures in the studio and there's no way to be spontaneous with this camera and get the right shot, if both model and subject have no freedom of movement.<br>

    I'm stuck with the idea of using 6x9 for the detail and sharpness of the image. I can always use a 6x6 camera, but the square format is not the best for what I want to achieve.<br>

    Second advice I would like is on a affordable 6x9 camera and lenses that give me the option of controlling focus with a ring and being able to see the image through a wide optical viewfinder.<br>

    <em><a href="http://www.google.ro/imgres?q=Coloprint+camera&um=1&hl=ro&client=opera&sa=X&rls=en&channel=suggest&biw=1246&bih=671&tbm=isch&tbnid=P2KUP5TKHnAg5M:&imgrefurl=http://irocheez.blogspot.com/2010_03_01_archive.html&docid=0cFc_d-JOZZqIM&itg=1&imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RtMzqKn55QM/S7Bp4hYlxZI/AAAAAAAAArE/x8WWpJpNhdY/s1600/ilford_lat1.jpg&w=1000&h=680&ei=qPW6TryPLdHdsgblm5y6Bg&zoom=1">There's a picture I took with the camera</a></em><br>

    Thanks in advance!<br>

    All the best!<br>


    <p> </p>

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