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Posts posted by lizcurtis

  1. <p>I currently do not sale my digital files but constantly get asked for them from my clients. I'm not sure why I hesitate to sell them. I have thought about setting up pricing with buy a certian $$ amount of prints and you receive those images on digital.....but just not quite sure what the right thing to do and still be prosperous. Anyone else have any insight on this? Normally it is a Senior shoot.</p>
  2. <p>Ok...I took a picture of 37 cheerleaders age 11....I took several shots hoping to get one where everyone was smiling and looking at me with eyes open. Well, I failed. Is there any way in photoshop that I can overlay the different shots and so I can get good faces on everyone? HELP! I sure don't want to do this again! LOL</p>


    <p>I need some advice and a solution. Please look at my website.<br /><a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.lizcurtisphotogrphay.com/" target="_blank">www.lizcurtisphotogrphay.com</a><br />I use WIX to create my site. I am now needing a gallery for my clients to view their proofs. But I want the order to come to me and I chose the vendor I would like to use to print. Zenfolio you use their vendors and they send the prints directly to client. I would like to see all of my work before the client receives it. Call me a control freak I know. : ) I've toyed with the idea of WIX ecommerce but can't seem to find out that much information on it or what peoples true thoughts are. When I look for reviews it seems that a lot of them are from people that work for Wix.<br />I am up for any criticism and suggestions you can offer!<br />Thank you!</p>


  4. <p>I need some advice and a solution. Please look at my website.<br>

    <a href="http://www.lizcurtisphotogrphay.com">www.lizcurtisphotogrphay.com</a><br>

    I use WIX to create my site. I am now needing a gallery for my clients to view their proofs. But I want the order to come to me and I chose the vendor I would like to use to print. Zenfolio you use their vendors and they send the prints directly to client. I would like to see all of my work before the client receives it. Call me a control freak I know. : ) I've toyed with the idea of WIX ecommerce but can't seem to find out that much information on it or what peoples true thoughts are. When I look for reviews it seems that a lot of them are from people that work for Wix.<br>

    I am up for any criticism and suggestions you can offer!<br>

    Thank you!</p>


  5. <p>I have a blog as my website at this time in WordPress. I'm wanting to have a website that I can use flash on. Could anyone give me their opinion on what tool they use to build their website? Any information would be greatly appreciated.</p>


  6. <p>I shot my first group of cheerleaders! :) When I send the pictures to print should I convert from 72 dpi to 300 dpi? In one of my photography classes my instructor said this was the first thing you should do before even editing the pictures. Just thought I would get some advice from people that continue to do this for a living. :) Some of the parents will want posters, I will be doing some printing above 8x10.<br>

    THanks for any input!</p>

  7. <p>WW - what kind of flash unit would you recommend? I don't own one since I usually shoot natural light and only one subject so I can usually avoid shadowing. I have an 580ex available to borrow but didn't know if that was what you were referring to. Thanks so much for the advice! I will most likely have the sun behind them. They may all be in a shadow from the bleechers but would rather be safe than sorry and have a flash on hand if I need one. The parents of this group were very unsatisfied with the photographer they used last year. The coach is a friend of mine and asked if I could do it so she wouldn't have to use who she did before.</p>
  8. <p>I am shooting a friends dog indoors doing agility this week. I have taken a couple of pics in the past and they did not turn out as sharp as I would like. I have a 50D and use either a 86mm 1.8 or 50mm 1.8. The lighting is not the best. Any suggestions on settings. I am also so new to AF options on my camera and have been reading and trying to understand it. I usually use TV and Center AF point. Attached is an example of the photo with the EXIF information. My friend said she would like the dogs feet to be in more focus along with the rest of the dog. I shot this with my Canon Xsi because I had to send in my 50D for power issues. Any help would be great!<br>

    EXIF -</p>

    <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="99%" bgcolor="#ffffe1">



    <td>Exposure Time:</td>

    <td>1/320 Second</td>



    <td>Aperture / Fstop:</td>




    <td>Focal Length (zoom):</td>




    <td>ISO Speed:</td>





    <p>Also, this is the unedited photo!</p>


  9. <p>Thank you so much for the responses. I found out today that I will have access to the football field so I will be able to get above the girls. I have a 50D so it isn't a full frame camera. Any other suggestions are welcome! =D</p>
  10. <p>I have a shoot coming up with a group of 38 cheerleaders ages 7-10. I usually just shoot individuals. I would appreciate any advice to be given to me. i.e. angle, lens, settings? anything that you think would help. They hated the photographer that took the picture last year. Said not everyones face was in focus. It will be outside as well.</p>
  11. <p>I have been using paint shop pro fro over a year now and love it. I used photoshop 7 and to be honest I just didn't like it. The program was designed more for grpahic artist than photographers. I wanted something that wouldn't take me long to fix my photographs quickly and not spend a lot of time in post production, psp allows me to do this.</p>
  12. <p>I have a Canon 50D and I'm wanting to purchase a 24 - 70 mm 2.8 lens. But I can't spend the 1400 for the canon. Has anyone purchased the Sigma or Tamron version and like it? Would love some different views on this.<br>

    Thank you.<br>


  13. <p>Received my Canon 50d, have my 85mm and 50mm 1.8 lenses and on my way to my daughter's first volleyball tournament this weekend. Any advice on how to get the best shots while her team is playing? from position to take the photos to settings on my camera, I'm open to anything you guys have to share.</p>


  14. <p>WW -<br>

    Thank you so much for your input. Everything you said makes sense to me, now just to put it into practice when I'm shooting! =D Photo Elf is a program I used to resize the original image. I use Paint Shop Pro when I edit my pics. The pics I provided had not been edited at all. Which I thought would be better so I would know what I was doing wrong at the time the picture was taken. I'm pretty sure I've decided to go with the 50D and then just save up for a 70-200 to maybe use this summer. =D I've got basketball and more volleyball to practice my action photo skills and look forward to getting more input from you. I also take pictures of dog agility and it is usually indoors as well. </p>

  15. <p>EXIF information for the first photo- Cheer Competition<br>


    <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="99%" bgcolor="#ffffe1">


    <tr valign="top">

    <td width="15%">Date & Time Taken: <br /></td>

    <td>Date: 2009:12:12<br />Time: 01:56:47</td>


    <tr valign="top">

    <td>Device Mfg / Model: </td>

    <td>Canon: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi</td>



    <td>Exposure Time:</td>

    <td>1/320 Second</td>



    <td>Aperture / Fstop:</td>




    <td>Focal Length (zoom):</td>




    <td>ISO Speed:</td>






    <p> </p>

  16. <p>Here is another one!<br>


    <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="99%" bgcolor="#ffffe1">


    <tr valign="top">

    <td>Date: 2009:12:12<br />Time: 01:57:02</td>


    <tr valign="top">

    <td>Device Mfg / Model: </td>

    <td>Canon: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi</td>



    <td>Exposure Time:</td>

    <td>1/250 Second</td>



    <td>Aperture / Fstop:</td>




    <td>Focal Length (zoom):</td>




    <td>ISO Speed:</td>






  17. <p>Thank you all for all the responses you have given. I still have not made a decision. Thinking about waiting until I can take some test shots. I did use my 85mm at a cheer competition. They weren't as sharp as I would have liked them to be. I had my camera mounted on a monopod, f 1.8 exposure 1/250 sec. on AV with ISO 1600. I did sit in the nosebleed section of the gym and the 85mm seemed adequate enough. Like I said, we will be going from HS gyms to also college gyms. The size and lighting could be so different from one location to another. </p>
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