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Image Comments posted by drjoder

  1. Thanks, Jack. I've had people say they thought this was a composite of two images, but it is not. There was a large billboard to the left of the tenament and I simply framed it as is. I thought it captured the idea of "escape".

    Perdido Key Art


    Overall, I love the mood and the intimate moment captured here, as well as the "On Golden Sea" light. However, there is a head sticking out of the man's back that I would get rid of--my eye keeps going there. And since I am not adverse to manipulating, I might even get rid of that T-shaped thing that is right of the main fishing rod. Nice one, though. Reminds me of my grandfather taking me fishing in Wyoming (despite the ocean!).



    Chaitan, if flowers are going to be one of your passions, I would highly recommend a tripod. Then you'll be able to set up the image and try different f-stops for different depth-of-field effects without having to worry that your shutter speed is too slow. Also, as I mentioned in the Forum, be careful about getting too close with your 18-55 as its minimum focus distance is about 10 inches or so. If you find yourself wanting to get really, really close, then maybe you'll want to look at purchasing or borrowing a macro lens which is designed for that sort of thing. Best of luck!

  2. The thumbnail didn't seem too interesting, but I thought I'd open it anyway. To my pleasant surprise, I really found this image to be something special. Very nice lighting...and I count no less than six separate and distinct "layers", so good title choice. Very well seen and captured!



    I like the geometric march to the center of interest, the crane and flag. I do see a dust spot in the top middle that could be cloned out. Also, how would this look if you flipped it so it would "read" left to right? Just an idea...hmmm, would the flag be backwards....? Anyway, nice image!



    Hilarious and touching at the same time! Excellent control of focus and depth of field--and I like the monochrome treatment. Well done!



    Folks have commented about this image looking too "fake." I also feel that it doesn't quite hold together, although I love the concept and the dreamy mood it evokes. How about this idea...Why not insert a slightly smaller Moon but also a Moon that is not quite so warm in terms of hue? Maybe a Moon that matches the water abit more (Blue Moon?)? Maybe that would help the image's cohesiveness. Overall, though, I like the idea and intent of the image.



    I really like the ghost-like aspect of the nun as she "floats" across the road.  That really makes this image unique.  I assume you dodged her in a bit to make here "pop" out and I think you got it just right.  I am trying to decide, though, if the presence of the woman on the left adds or subtracts.  On one hand, the younger, modern woman adds an element of contrast to the older ghost-nun...on the other hand, what would the image be like without that young woman?  At any rate, I don't think you had much choice as this scene appears to have lasted but a few seconds.  Nicely done!

  3. Attilio,

    I thought I would visit your portfolio after your kind comments about mine.  I saw this car and immediately recognized it!  It is at Cow Canyon Trading Post just north of Mexican Hat, Utah.  Out of all the old cars in the USA you could photograph I thought it was a wonderful coincidence we both have photographed the same one!  Very well done!  I'll attach what I saw...




    Superb!  I like the length of your exposure--the water came out nicely.  Even the middle ground water is a pleasure to view.  I also like the so very, very, very distant sun--it gives the image a lot of depth as well as a place for the eye to go to.  The bottom right corner is a bit empty--maybe throw a rock there next time you are at this site!?  Great capture.

    On the Edge


    I think this is an absolutely gorgeous image.  It looks like maybe a 20-30 second exposure which means excellent ND filter control--just a guess.  I like the softness of the water, the textured leading lines of the cliff, and the light on the lighthouse.  If I were to play with it a bit more, I'd maybe straighten the horizon, then use one of the transform modes in Photoshop to straighten the lighthouse.  Great creation!

  4. Sidsel, I really like your composition, especially how you have focused on one of the buds to make it your center-of-interest while rhyming its shape and color in the two out-of-focus buds in the background.  There is nothing distracting about the far background at all--another plus.  As a suggestion, it looks like the whites are not quite bright enough giving the image a slight washed out look (and part of this could very well be my monitor). I adjusted the white point in Photoshop's Levels then added a bit of contrast...all just a suggestion (I'll try to attach the sample image).  Another thing you might experiment with is a version in which you crop out the lower part of the image (the white and the water) to just concentrate on the flower.  Overall, though, you have made a very pleasing and calm creation here.

  5. KA, this is an awesome image--very surrealistic and cloudlike ("floaty").  I love the tones and the interplay between the yellow and blue especially.  The diagonal lines add a bit of movement and tension.  At first I thought it might be stronger without including the short diagonal on the far left of the image, but upon reconsideration, I think it helps to maintain the overall balance.  The illuminated house serves as a center-of-interest and the star of light adds one more additional wonderful touch to a great image.  Nicely done! 



    Carlos, you have some great work in your portfolio with a very wide range of subjects.  Under "Details" your ice images remind me of a recent photo essay I did with winter images from the local creek.  All of your work is very well done.  As to this particular image, I very much like the quiet, damp, perhaps nostalgic, mood it illicits--at least in me.  It could be late fall or early spring, but the trees are dormant, waiting for the next bloom and flower cycle.  The fog, of course, is a key element.  I also like the rythmn between the curve of the main subject tree and the curve of the horizon...there is a nice intersection of these two lines.  I also like that your main tree stands out as the main subject by being closer and darker, yet details are still visible (on my monitor, anyway) in those mossy dark areas.  In a perfect world I might have either included that entire rock in the image (foreground, right) or cloned it out altogether as my eye tends to get drawn toward it...also, how would it look had you moved just a bit to the right to put the base of your subject tree more directly in the corner?  The last two comments are minor musings on my part, really, as you have captured a very strong image overall. 



    Robert--this is really well done.  I like the background--no distracting elements whatsoever--and also the depth of field control--everything looks nice and sharp.  That 70-300 lens can certainly be used effectively as a pseudo-"macro" when you need it and can give you a bit more depth of field.  You used that tool quite well to get a very nice capture!



    Andre, I really like the lighting you have on her face and the B&W treatment. I wonder if you have experimented with a square format with this image--cropping off a portion of the right side.  I suggest that because that black blob in the middle of the waterfall tries to pull my eye away from your beautiful main subject and the waterfall.  Overall, very well captured, though!

    Kluane Magic


    This one caught my eye as it popped up under most recent critique submissions.  I like the way my eye is led into the image along the frozen creek and I also like the unusual ice shapes which rhyme fairly closely the shapes of the trees and the mountains.  The image definitely makes me feel the chill of the high mountains.  It is always hard to tell on my monitor, but the B&W treatment looks pretty well done with nice contrast--Silver Efex Pro, by chance?  It would be interesting to know your method of conversion.  Some may say that the creek leads your eye off to the right...but my eye follows the creek to the horizon, then climbs up and left along the mountains, then follows the left side back to the foreground where I spend time examining the weird shapes.  Some may also say there is a slight right tilt to the image, but I'm not sure how you could change that without the trees and mountains looking a bit off.  Overall, well done...and, BTW, hope you were on a bridge for this shot, or your legs surely got a bit cold!

  6. Should the image show the entire tree in both the reflection and above?  I really don't know.  I do know that I really like the strange apocalyptic glow and the texture of the reflected tree--it establishes a bizarre sort of mood as I look at it.  Well done!

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