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Posts posted by felicitas_k1

  1. <p>Hi guys, I need som help understanding <strong>lens abreviations</strong>.</p>

    <p>I would like to buy the <strong>Tamrom 17-50 mm </strong>lens for my Canon 500d. I understand that according to reviews the newer lens with image stabilization is not as good so I would like to buy the one without. Now I came across two lenses with similar names and different prices. I don't understand the difference and don't know which one to buy. Can somone help out?<br>

    These are the two lenses:<br>

    <br /> <strong>Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II LD IF (Canon)</strong><br /><strong> Tamron AF 17-50mm 2,8 XR Di II LD ASL (Canon)</strong></p>

    <p>Thanks...<br /></p>

  2. <p>When I used the word wider tele-lens, I was trying to refer to one part of the range and not zoom. But it is beside the point.</p>

    <p>Like I said, I would like to have a fast lens, that enables me to take a picture of my subject, full body, yet have her/him in focus and the surrounding more (or less) out of focus.</p>

    <p>But I think my questions have been answered.<br>


  3. <p><strong>Kerry</strong>: Lens-flare is just the name of the blog. But do you have an idea what type of lens the second picture was taken with? There is quite a bit of surrounding visible yet only the area infront of the model is in focus (hardly the model herself) and everything else is out of focus, nicely blurred.<br>

    Possible a wider of the tele lenses and quite a fast one. Yes? Or is it photoshop too?<br>

    Maybe I just have to work on my photoshop skills :(</p>

  4. <p>Thank you all. That was very helpful.</p>

    <p><strong>Mike</strong>: I did in fact mean fast and wider, thought I didn't realize faster meant larger aperture. If my camera isn't fullframe, what is it called?</p>

    <p>I will check out the other lenses you've mentioned.</p>

    <p><strong>Massimo</strong>: Good tipps.</p>

    <p><strong>Tom</strong>: You are right, I do have the 50mm f1.8, not 2.8.</p>

    <p><em>the sensor on the 50D and the 500D is the same size so uses the lenses in the same way</em><br>

    -> I didn't realize that. Then how com, when I step away enough from my subject to include cars like the photographer did, I only get a similarly shallow field of depth when the camera is tilted upright? The photo does not look digitally altered, though of course we won't without asking. Do you have an idea?</p>

    <p>Also, you are the first to advise me to look second hand. I am not sure I have enough expertise to know whether such a lens is fully functioning. I mean testp hotos seem logical, but maybe not enough? I will scan the discussions for more info on second-hand lenses.</p>

    <p><strong>Bueh</strong>: Good idea. Maybe not what I need but I'll keep it in mind.</p>

    <p><em>full-frame where you will get less depth-of-field at equivalent angles-of-view/apertures.</em><br>

    -> I have noticed that but wasn't sure. Good to know. Thank you.</p>


  5. <p>Hi all,</p>

    <p>I have a lens question.</p>

    <p>I have Canon EOS 500d body, the kit lens (17-55mm f3.5-5.6) and the 50 mm f2.8.</p>

    <p>I am now planing on getting a new lens under 600 EUR. I am really happy with my 50mm f2.8 lens but I need something else. I am not very happy with my kit lens, except for the fact that I like the 17mm. But I really use it as I can hardly get any good pictures with it unless it is really really light. Even then It's hard to get things clear.</p>

    <p>Perhaps I need something wide?</p>

    <p>I do alot of portraiture and fashion type of picture. Almost always involving people. I don't mind lens-flares (quite the contrary) and sometime I take nature pictures (often flowers). I would like to have a lens where I can have more of the sorrounding of the subject visible. But I really want a lens where I can have a really shallow DoF (so lots of bokeh). I was thinking of a wide angle or wider lens (I do like the distorions of a wide angle lens).</p>

    <p>But really it is just important to me, for now at least, to be able to achieve these type of pictures:</p>



    <p>I realize that the top photographer uses a 50 mm but with a larger chip/body(?). So what would be the equivalent lens for my 500d?</p>

    <p>So far I have found out, that the lens which is clostest to what I think I need, is the Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 lens.</p>

    <p>What do you think? Any advice?</p>

    <p>Thanks in advance...</p>

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