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Posts posted by zalmy_berkowitz

  1. <p>Great review. I actually just bought this lens (used for $399) and am loving it. It too is my first "real lens" on my new T1i (after the 50 1.8, which is quite good but not "real"). I was going back and forth between this and the 85 1.8 as I was going to use it mainly for portraiture (which is changing as I am finding out how addictive macro work is). </p>
  2. <p>Thanks Nathan. I think I'll stick with the Rebel, get a flash (any ideas which? 270, 430, 580?), buy the ef-s lenses, and if I ever want to upgrade to a FF -- I assume by then I would have made back the money I spent on the lenses (or else why would I be upgrading other than the fore-mentioned gear-mania) -- I could sell the lens...<br>

    Thanks again y'all.</p>

  3. <p>When I said "above 400" I meant "800 and up", and I'm surprised that I'm the only one that thinks that shots at 800 and above are "decent but not great" <br>

    It probably is gear-mania and I'm trying to rationalize it. Though next on my list (after mentioning gear-mania this sounds sort of maniacal) is the 17-55 to replace my kit lens which is not very useful in low lighting (3.5-5.6 aperture), no full time manual focus and all around not that great (though it's not that bad either). That's why I'm looking now into the 5D, because once I buy the 17-55, I can't upgrade to a full frame to soon...<br>

    Also I didn't know how important the dust buster was (in fact I still don't).</p>

    <p>Probably gear-mania. but still...</p>

  4. <p>I just recently bought my first slr (Canon Rebel T1i) and am absolutely amazed at what a real photogragh looks like. Since then I picked up the 50mm f1.8 and the 100mm f2.8 Macro (399 used from lensrental.com). I'm looking to get into mostly portrait work, and maybe some event work. <br>

    Why I want to switch to the 5D:<br>

    I am constantly cranking up the iso to get clean (non-blurry) indoor shots. Anything above 400 comes out decent but not great. <br>

    I want to buy some wide angle lens and the only option for me now is the 10-22 which I hear has good review, however I'm not so fond of it's relatively small aperture. <br>

    I enjoy the video but it's not a deal breaker<br>

    I found a used 5D in good condition for $900. I could sell the t1 for around 600-650 (or with the 50mm 1.8 as I want to upgrade to the 1.4, for $675-725) and I'll end up upgrading to the 5D for 300 bux. <br>

    I'm not the fondest of the small viewfinder in the Rebel<br>

    Why maybe it's not the best deal:<br>

    15 mp vs 12.8 (though from what I know the difference is neglible)<br>

    I'm not sure how the AF compares on the two<br>

    I have a warranteed camera and will be switching it for a used (though looks and works great) camera.<br>

    What say you?</p>




    I'm sure there are many that would be interested (including me), though it all boils down to what it would cost. At what most people would pay to have a single lens converted it would probably be not worth your time. <br>

    What I could see more more people being interested in, is converting the mount on the camera to accept all fd/fl lens. That would justify the cost (as there is no per lens cost). <br>

    That's just my humble opinion (obviously).</p>



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