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Image Comments posted by mean_girl

    Colour manager

    This photo rocks! It is interesting and original. The strong pop culture vibe and bright colors remind me of the paintings of Lichetenstein and Andy Warhol. It made me smile!
  1. That is definately my wedding fantasy! The sparkles on the candles shine like hope in the lives of those who existed in a world where layering photos and colored Television were sheer magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Candy Kid


    I can definately see where the provocative nature that oozes from the festering wound of this piece would result in you being evicted from a public place.

    Belly buttons should only be seen in the bedroom and even then from the safety of a twin bed on the other side! You should be a shamed of yourself!

    A Mother's Love

    Isn't the "composition" a little dead center for this to qualify as more than a sears grade portrait cut and pasted with corny and stereotypical plant leaves and wood grain? And the baby looks like it was so thrilled with the originality and emotion of the pose that she just pooped herself.

    Dream of Sleep

    I Love the way the strong lights and darks in this image play with your eyes and mind. It mirrors the angelically peaceful yet death-like and sinister atmosphere of the image. That is unless you used photoshop (if so you are going straight to hell).

    Mangartska jezera

    This is such a pristine image of such a perfect world. It almost makes one believe that out there there could actually exist a place with no pollution or strife. A world were true art exists and can speak to the soul purely and without photoshop and digital enhancing. Thank you.


    This painting speaks to me on such a deep level. It stirs such strong emotions, like a Thomas Kinkade painting or like when the people down the street put the 50 plastic Santas on their lawn for Christmas. May be someday the world will be blessed enough to have galleries full of your touched up masterpieces in the malls for the magical holiday season!
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