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Image Comments posted by ryan_callahan

    old barn


    I love this photo.  It is excellent.  My suggestion would be to place the tops of the foliage lower third of the frame, with a less shallow depth of field.  I think you could achive this by having the camera higher, allowing the plants to be lower in the frame, with the building in relatively the same position. My eyes would like to go right to the building, but the building is soft!  Other than that, I really like this photo.  In what state was this taken?  It reminds me of my grandfathers ranch.



    I like the background as is adds an artistic blur to the picture, the only thing that does not sit well with me is the brightness of the womens shirt and jeans, Which either needs to be dimmed down a bit, or exaggerated immensely upon the black and white background. All in all, a great photograph.


    P.S my History teacher has your same last name... Interesting.

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