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Posts posted by ryan_callahan

  1. <p>Thanks so much for all of your input. The intelligence in your responses never fails to impress me. I think I will end up submitting the work after all.<br>

    Clay James: I think i will take the shot with both mediums (6x6 or 35mm Velvia 50 and Nikon Digital) and see which one is more appealing. It also depends on if i decide to post-process too.<br>

    Thanks again guys!</p>

  2. <p>I am a high school age photographer and I was looking to enter a local, state, and national art program called Reflections under the senior age photography category. My friend and I were talking about the reflections program when we somehow collaboratively came up with an idea to submit to the program as a piece of artwork. In my opinion, the idea we came up with is great. The program rules state that the work and the idea must be the students own, and that only one person can submit and/or take credit for the work in the event that an award is won. Since we came up with the idea, I have expanded upon the idea and changed it a bit. You could say that part of his idea was my inspiration. I have talked to him about me submitting this artwork and he says that he does not care weather I submit it or not, and that it was okay with him. So, the real question here is: do you think that I am plagiarizing my friends idea? Also, you think that it would be okay to submit this idea rendered by me in artwork form?<br /><br />Any feedback is definitely appreciated!<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Ryan C.</p>
  3. <p>I tested this with the camera pointed at the same blank wall, camera set to "M" Manual focus, spot metering, ADL off Bracketing off, 1/500 sec, EV 0.0, Picture control "Standard", Quality: Fine, Size: Large JPEG, ISO 200, White Balance Incandescent, VR off, Color space: sRGB, with an AF-S NIKKOR 55-200 at 200mm f/4 and with an old Vivitar manual focus lens at 200mm also set to f/4 on a Nikon D5000 and still got the same results.</p>
  4. <p>Hello community,</p>

    <p>This is probably a question with a really obvious answer, but for the life of me I cant figure out why I cant get as many shots out on burst with a kit lens on my Nikon system. With the 18-55 and the 55-200 my camera will only let out 3-6 frames at full size and quality at full speed. On professional lenses such as the 70-200 f2.8 VR my camera will let out around 10-40 shots (which i know is the fault of my slower memory card that i am stuck with at the moment). I tested this under controlled conditions and the cheaper lenses still got the same 3-6 shots, after which was the inconsistent "Click....... Click Click... Click.. Click....... Click" Ya know what I mean? Any insight as to why this is would be awesome.</p>

    <p>Thanks, <br>

    Ryan C.</p>

  5. <p>Hey guys,<br>

    Theres a local bike path near where I live that goes down a canyon that people like to bike and longboard down. I saw this and I was thinking about setting up a very small business where I photograph the by-passers and post the photos up on a site for them to purchase later. To make this a bit more professional I think I would need some kind of lighting system, especially in a canyon where the light is on and off. I was thinking about putting a speedlight on a light stand with an reflector umbrella. I like this idea because it is relatively portable and only requires batteries. I have seen this setup done before, but never managed to take a close look at it. My question is how do i set this up? How do you connect the flashgun to the light stand and light stand to the umbrella? Also, what method of triggering the flash do you recommend? If you have any other suggestions, it would be much appreciated!</p>


    Ryan C.</p>

  6. <p>Hello all,<br>

    I am entering a nature/wildlife photography contest at a local university, and I need to know what finish to get on my prints. My photographs are your typical non-landscape nature photos that include some birds, and rock formations (shot at Arches National Park, Utah, a highly photographed place, but i'm hoping I got some unique shots). I want my photographs to look as professional as possible, so the question is should I have my final prints done in glossy or lustre finishes? (the prints will be done at Costco for the time being on Fujicolor crystal archive papers). I am also willing to look into ordering matte, metallic, silk or royal glossy (Kodak) papers online, but the lustre or glossy finishes are preferable. keep in mind that i'm only 14, so this will be my very first serious show!<br>

    I would really appreciate any input that you guys have.<br>


    Ryan C.</p>

  7. <p>Hello community, I was digging through a box of our old cameras and I came across a Canon AE-1 Program. I used up a couple rolls of film but the shutter sound didn't sound right. It sounded like more of a squeal than that nice crisp "click" and it had me concerned. I then assumed that this is what was the infamous Canon A series shutter squeak. I love this camera, but I am not entirely concerned about breaking it and I was wondering if anyone could instruct me on how to fix this problem. All my funds as of the moment are going towards a new digital SLR so taking the camera to a professional repairman is not an option. I am, however, willing to purchase the right lubricants and/or tools to conduct the repair. I am indeed a beginner, and 14 years old for the record, so please no super technical camera repair jargon:) Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!</p>
  8. <p>I find a cell phone camera a very good camera because its almost always with me. Sometimes the crappyness of the shots adds for an artistic effect. A lot of the time I just have it set on the "black and white" setting to help hide the low contrast and things.<br>

    Check out the latest post as of this time on ryancphotography.blogspot.com for some of my cell phone shots(this is my very, very dated photoblog, so please dont judge my skills on it).</p>

    <p> </p>

  9. <p>It is extremely hard to find a new DSLR for the prices you listed. It would probably good for you to go used (ebay, craigslist). Plus, you will want multiple lenses (I know ill use any lens I can get my hands on) and that is also more money to spend. You could probably find a d40 or a d60 for somewhere around your price range. I would also recommend saving your money longer like I did and buy a d3000 or similar model (18-55 vr + 55-200 vr lens kit and camera body for about $649.99) Good Luck!</p>
  10. <p>My grandmother knows i'm in to all sorts of photography, and she happened to find an old Vivitar 200mm manual focus lens around her house. She sent it to me but the lens will not attach to my film SLR camera (I tried to attach it to a Canon AE-1 program). I know Vivitar makes lenses compatible with non-Vivitar cameras, so I was wondering if someone could tell me what brand/name/make of camera this lens would attach to. I have provided pictures of the lens attachment below.</p>


    <p> </p><div>00V8jG-196299584.jpg.b4cc05376b1fecf08f7bc12aaaa6b69c.jpg</div>

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