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Posts posted by ryan_wilson3

  1. <p>Andrew, thanks for the advice. I've never worked with film, and with the day job, I don't think I'll have much time to dedicate to it for now. That, and since I don't have a huge cash flow, I don't think I could afford to take as many pictures as I do. <br />Oh, and either way I step towards Canon or Nikon, I'm definitely keeping the Rebel. </p>
  2. <p>I'm getting the hang of the Canon 300D that my buddy sold me about a year ago, and I think I'm ready for something new. I've read a few reviews about the Canon T2i, and I've read a few reviews about the D90, but I don't know which of the two I should get. I only have $400 invested in Canon glass (60mm EF-S f2.8 Macro USM) , so the switch wouldn't be *too* difficult. <br>

    I'm a single guy about to move back to the states into a 2 bedroom apartment, one bedroom I'd like to set up as a studio, as I'd like to get into Portrait photography. So far, I've done a bit of macro / wildlife / flower work... all non-pro. As a single guy, I don't have all the $ in the world, but I think I could throw a grand at a new body. When I originally bought my macro lens, it had taken me about 3 months of researching to decide on it. I'm interested in getting involved with nearly all kinds of photography. I've never really seen myself as a creative person, but I thoroughly enjoy grabbing my camera bag and heading out to see what I can snap a few shots of.<br>

    So, any suggestions? Also, if you get a chance, please comment on any / all of my pictures :) It's always good to get constructive criticism.<br>

    Thanks for your input!</p>

  3. <p>James,<br>

    First off, I'm no pro, but I do agree, the EF-S 60mm Macro USM is an AMAZINGLY fun lens. I've not used it for serious portraits, but it works well with nearly every lighting situation I've put it in (Mid-day / harsh sun to soft evening lighting). It's great for macro shots as well. Currently, it stays attached to my 300D (I know, old, but it's my first & only camera as i don't have much of a budget for gear) It's relatively inexpensive (I got it for $400 and shipping, some sites sell it for ~ $450), it's light weight, and it doesn't take up much room. I'm currently at Diego Garcia, BIOT (check it out on wikipedia) and it works well enough for me, although I'm torn between getting a macro flash, a wide angle lens, or the T2i.<br>

    I'm just trying to learn as much as possible as quick as possible so I can use my lens to it's full effectiveness.<br>

    Hope this helps, and enjoy your vacation. </p>

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