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Image Comments posted by mustard

  1. thanks for the comments everyone.

    the cycle track leads to the beach and ends there and the bridge is Golden Gate.

    Alan, never noticed the water slanting to the right before, maybe because Iwas aiming for all the lines being at slightly dfferent angles so it seemed a bit of a illusion, but now you mention it there is definately a slight tilt to the right. will straighten that up.


    "The Wave"


    Beautiful shot narcis. I love the magenta and pink colour and the overall composition.  the position of the ship and the angle of the rocks look perfect to me.

    I like the title as the long exposure has erased all evidence of "the wave" except for a slight lightness in the rocks in middle of the frame. What wave? was my first response when i saw it as the evidence is very subtle.

    The vignetting seems a little extreme, but thats just my taste.

    Overall I love it ... 6 



    I love the enormous african sky which makes this huge animal look small. wonderful point of view that i never seem to think of when I am taking photos of animals. Always seem to end up with close ups and I can see by this that I am missing a trick.

    a pity that he is a bit dirty, obviously been rolling in the sand which does make him blend into the foreground a bit, but still a beautiful scene which was well visualised and captured, (and its not as if you could get out and dust him off :)

  2. was going for the look of an old faded black and white print, low

    contrast, slightly brown with age. Any critique or comments would be

    appreciated. PS, I know the photo itself isn't much to write home about,

    but i liked the relationship between the tree and the elephant.

    am really looking for advice on Processing.

    red leaves


    my wife loves this photo. I like the colours, but i find the leaves in the

    foreground distracting. what do you think. would appreciate any





    What do you think of the white fade effect. did it as a print for my mom,

    who loves it, but then she has to. would prefer some less biased



    Thai Boats BW


    To be honest I did have some shots with the "normal" rule of thirds comp, with the boats lower in the frame and more sky but  I didn't get the nice reflection off of the wet sand and also the sun behind the clouds is just above the edge of the current composition, and it was just to bright to get a decent overall exposure. I also wanted a bit of negative space at the bottom of the frame. the only way to do that was keep the camera high and shoot down, which obviously cut off the majority of the sky.  thanks for looking and commenting.

    Thai Boats BW


    walking along the beach in KohTau and took this snapshot. I was quite

    impressed with the outcome. presented in b&w as the sky and sea

    were both a pretty neuutral grey colour, even with a polariser in play.

    what do you think ? what could ihave done better ?

    Door Rupit


    loved the look of this entry in Rupit spain. Had a vry heavy yellow brown

    colour cast, so I tried some PP to correct. Not very good at Photoshop

    so would love some feedback on the PP and the photo itself.




    Have posted my first few attempts at wildlife photography with an SLR.

    in many cases posting Black and white and colour versions of the same

    photos. Found the background to be very dull due to lots of brown

    vegetation, and I prefer the contrast in black and white, but would

    appreciate any critique on the photos, thecnical and composition, and

    opinions on preference between B&W and colour. would love suggestion

    on how to ovcome a bland background.

    leopard profile


    Have posted my first few attempts at wildlife photography with an SLR.

    in many cases posting Black and white and colour versions of the same

    photos. Found the background to be very dull due to lots of brown

    vegetation, and I prefer the contrast in black and white, but would

    appreciate any critique on the photos, thecnical and composition, and

    opinions on preference between B&W and colour.



    Marc / Nabarun / Michael / DT

    Thanks so much for your feedback. This is exactly the type of critique I am looking for as a beginner trying to improve.

    I had tried to keep the DOF narrow to amplify the feeling of softness in the trees, but after reading your comments and looking at the image with an informed eye I can see that I overdid it and should have moved the focus into the image and cut out the foreground a bit more. I must be honest and say that I didn't really foresee how much the twig would intrude on the overall image, but I do wish that I had cut it out now, because its all i can see. I may post a cropped version.

    Thanks again for your gentle feedback. it is much appreciated.

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