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Posts posted by mustard

  1. <p>Thanks Harvey<br>

    Have decided to get the olympus setup, but now I can't find one :) Have to have it shipped to Dubai and it costs a fortune as the only place I can locate the housing and strobes is in the US. Will keep trying though, as this is the setup I want.</p>

  2. <p>thanks for the info Matthew and Alan<br>

    Matthew, Both systems i was thinking about come with additional External Strobes, the Olympus one is probably slightly better quality as it supports TTL. they also have the ability to add a second Strobe, so off camera light source shouldn't be a problem. In fact the Olyumpus housing doesn't let any of the on camera flash light spill out to affect the area diretly in front of the lens.<br>


    Have though about the Nikonos, but I also want to use the camera as a backup second camera for dry work, so the 2 mentioned above are probably better suited to the dual use. Sounds like the Olympus is the better option for overall quality, and I tend to prefer spending the extra money rather than regretting it later when the camera doesn;t live up to expectations.<br>

    thanks for the help</p>

  3. <p>Am thinking of combining my hobbies of Scuba diving and Photography by purchasing a

    beginner Underwater photo package. Have looked at the G12 and Canon housing setup (+/-

    1500USD), and also the new Olympus E-PL2 with PT-03 housing and strobe kit. (+/- 1900USD)<br>

    They both look like reasonable quality, reasonably affordable and easy to use without being to bulky to travel

    with. Have been leaning towards the Oly setup simply because of the interchangeable lenses giving a better range of

    options as my underwater photography skills improve, but not sure if it is worth the extra price.<br>

    Has anyone used either setups, but in particular the Oly as that is my preference, either on land or


    would love it if someone could share some pics taken with either or had some experience

    with either in a diving situation.<br>




  4. <p>thanks David, have marked La Pedrera as a must see on my list. (great photo by the way)<br>

    John, will try find a day at least to get inland. We will be using Barcelona as a base and making day trips, so the shorter trip towards Manresa and the mountains sounds a good bet. Any specific locations on that route that you particularly enjoy ?<br>

    thanks. </p>

  5. <p>David<br>

    Thanks I will be careful, I come from Johannesburg, so am no stranger to petty crime :)<br>


    WOW!... Lots to do. I might have to delay the trip to the north. Thanks for the local knowledge, I will try to make use of it as much as possible. Sounds like I might need to invest in a new lens, as a beginner I only have the kit 18-135mm which is a bit slow in low light situations (narrow cobbled streets in the morning and evening i guess) thanks again!</p>

  6. <p>Sara<br>

    Thanks very much for the advice. I was leaning to the north and had already picked Girona on Google maps as a way point, so that fits with my "plans" perfectly. Will definately try to fit in the 2 villages you have mentioned, so that I can see real "Catalan" life ;) they sound like just the kind of places I was looking for. </p>

  7. <p>I will be making my first trip to europe as an active photography enthusiast, going to barcelona for a week and will be driving either north to Cadaques, or south to Valencia. Would love some advice on a few topics from any experts or people that have travelled the region.<br />1- from a photographers point of view, is it better to go North or South from Barcelona (looking for nice landscapes, architecture and real Spanish life photo's)<br />2- is there any specific Kit that the experts would say is critical to accomplish the above ? (Have a Nikon D80 with Kit 18-135MM lens, Polarising filter and Tripod already) and any helpful tricks or techniques that can really make travel photography easy and rewarding for a relative beginner ?<br />3- Any hyped up tourist attractions that should be avoided.</p>

    <p>thanks and Look forward to any advice, both on Spain and on The photography questions.<br />Dylan</p>

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