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Posts posted by laurie_wilson

  1. <p>Thank you very much for the response. I know it's an old thread, so thank you extra much for taking the time to read and reply! I have gone with your idea and gotten a photographer to do a few hours of coverage. You're right, I don't know how I was really planning on doing all the mother-of-the-bride activities AND trying to shoot a camera when my eyes are getting misty!</p>
  2. <p>As for the professional vs do it yourself approach, what do you think is better for a wedding? I don't have much pro experience with photography, but I have taken some very nice pictures in the past. My daughter is getting married and neither our family nor the groom's has a lot of money to spend on the "extras" in the ceremony. We've been looking around <a href="http://www.gatheringguide.com/ec/photographers.html">http://www.gatheringguide.com/ec/photographers.html</a> and trying to decide if we can afford one, or should take a chance and have me shoot the wedding pictures. What do you think?</p>
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